Mark (GOT7)

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(Play music when you see "*")

I'm at Han Gang park trying to relieve some stress from college life. But no matter how much I try to not think about anything relating to school, it just comes back.
"Aish, whatever." I took out my phone and my wireless earbuds.

*Start music here*

I put on the song 'I don't know by Diana Wang' and did little dance steps as I continued walking. My moves slowly became more passionate and I begun dancing full out. I've always loved ballet and modern dance, but my parents told me it wasn't a real career. They said that I wouldn't have a stable job for my future, and told me to major in biology so I could become a doctor. But I really don't like science~~!!

As I was doing spins, I stopped when I saw my friend Mark Tuan riding on his bike coming towards me. He was smiling and waved hi to me. When he came closer, he got off his bike and ruffled up my hair.
"Hi friend! Why didn't I see you in class today?" He asked.
"I just didn't feel like going..."
"Even though I was there? You didn't want to see me?" He pouted.
I laughed and said, "Yes. Sorry."
"You're so mean." He crossed his arms. "I only go to that class because you're in it!"
"So anyways! Why are you feeling so down?"
I timidly smiled and said, "Is it obvious....?"
"Yeah, it is. You only dance when you're feeling sad, really happy, or when you're mad. I'm pretty sure you're not happy or mad so you must be sad."
"Wow Mark Tuan," I gently pushed his shoulder, "How is it that you can read me every time?"
"I just know you, okay? It's just like how you understand me too..."

I nodded my head in understanding and looked down at the ground. For some reason, I was struck by his dazzling smile and his beautiful facial features. Just looking at him made my heart beat faster. What's wrong with me?
Just then he said, "Want a ride?" He patted his hand on the seat and smiled his perfect smile.


"Wow~! The wind is so nice! Yahooo!" I shouted out.
Mark laughed and said, "Who even says 'Yahooo!' anymore?"
"I do!"
We laughed as he continued pedaling around the park with my arms around his waist.


We stopped biking and sat on a bench that was facing the river.
"Thank you for that. I really needed it." I said without looking at him.
"Call me whenever you need someone to talk to or to help relieve your stress. I'll come running over to you like superman!"
"Superman can fly, he doesn't run."
Mark coughed and said, "Yah, you know what I mean."
I laughed and said, "I love how we can talk to each other in Korean and in English. Now you just have to teach me Chinese."
"Well, I can try..."

" do you say... I love to dance?" I asked as I excitedly turned towards him.
"....Wo ai ni."
"No~ That's just I love you."
"Yeah..." Mark's expression was serious and he looked a bit embarrassed and flustered. My smile slowly faded away as I was trying to understand the situation.

"___, I love you." Mark said seriously.
All I could do was sit there frozen while looking away from his gaze. I couldn't even think at the moment.

Just then Mark grunted and bent over to ruffle up his hair in frustration. "Aish.... I screwed up!" He said to himself. "Sorry, I'll get going now." He got up from the bench and ran away.

Snapping out of my trance, I shouted, "Y-yah take your bike," but he was already too far. "Psh... What do you want me to do....? I don't know what to do now...."
I looked at his bike he forgot and I made up my mind. I quickly got on it and pedaled after him.

As I was biking, I saw Mark far up ahead still conflicted with himself. He was constantly ruffling up his hair furiously and even kicked the fence, but that must've hurt because he withdrew and hopped on one foot while holding the other in pain.

I rode up to him and got off the bike. "Hey..."
He stopped hopping, but was still bent over as he slowly looked up and made eye contact with me. Then he quickly stood up straight and laughed, "What are you doing here? Haha...haha..."
"You left your bike."
"Oh...thank you."

There was a small awkward silence between us until he said, "About earlier, don't pay any attention to it. I was-"
To shut him up, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and went on my toes to kiss him.

When I pulled away, I saw his eyes wide open in surprise. His expression was just too funny, I couldn't help myself and laughed. "Yah don't make that kind of expression! I just kissed you..."
He shook his head and said, "I'm not dreaming, am I ?"
"Why? You've had dreams where you've kissed me before?" I said jokingly.
"Yea." He nodded his head seriously.

There was another awkward silence between us, and I said, "Y-yah! What am I supposed to say if you say that-"
Just then Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him as his lips fell onto mine. His free hand held the back of my neck and his hand that was holding my arm was now wrapped around me.

Mark slightly pulled away from the kiss to look at my expression and said, "See? You're making the same expression as I did."
I slowly looked into his eyes, speechless.
"I just don't know what to you with you." He said lovingly as he moved a piece of hair away from my face. "I'm going to kiss you again." He said.
I slowly nodded my head and he smiled as he leaned in to kiss me again.

Feeling his lips on mine made my heart flutter and I felt so happy. Today was the day I realized how much Mark really meant to me. I love you too.

Requested by @QstnFaizal

Song: I Don't Know - Diana Wang

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