Park Bo Gum

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I popped my head out from behind the door and checked to see if Y/N was at her cubicle working. She is! Okay, fighting! I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

"Hi Mr. Park!" A co-worker greeted me.
I quickly turned back around and threw up a hand saying 'hi' as I rushed back out the door and into the hallway.

I can't do this!


I was able to re-enter the room, but...I couldn't get anywhere near her. I failed every time I tried too. I kept walking past her and couldn't say a word.

I tried walking next to a co-worker casually, but then I couldn't stop walking and went past her.

I tried clearing my throat and posing coolly at the cubicle behind her. She didn't turn around and kept typing.


"What's he doing?" A female co-worker asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He likes her~" A male co-worker replied.

"I wish someone at work felt the same about me."

"What about me?"

"Get lost!"


"I give up..." I ended back outside in the hallway by the elevators. I looked down into my hands at the movie tickets I had. "Are movie tickets too much for asking someone out on a first date?"

I felt so frustrated and disappointed in myself that I started jumping around and whining. When I opened my eyes, the elevator door was opened and everyone was chuckling to themselves. I laughed embarrassingly and quickly walked away.

When I turned the corner, I ran into someone and all their papers scattered onto the ground. "I'm so sorry!" I went onto the floor and begun picking up the papers.
"No, it's okay."
I recognize that voice... I looked up to see Y/N in front of me, picking up the papers too. Oh my god... I quickly looked away and quickly gathered up all the paper.

Once finished, I put them back into the box and carried the box for her.
"Oh you don't have to-"
"It's heavy, I'll help carry it for you." I insisted.
She smiled and said, "Thank you."
Her smile even lights up my day...

After I helped her deliver and sort out the papers, she asked me, "What can I do to repay you?"
"Oh no it's okay! I just wanted to help."
"Don't be so modest~"
" that case..." I took out the movie tickets from my pocket and shyly handed them to her. "Let's go see a movie together."
She giggled and replied, "I would love to."
Yes! I wanted to jump and throw my fist in the air, but I contained my happiness.

"You know, you could have asked me earlier." She suddenly said.
"What do you mean....?"
"You walked past me about 14 times." She said smiling.
I couldn't say anything and laughed awkwardly and embarrassingly instead.
She giggled and asked, "So I'll see you this weekend?"
I managed to speak a few words and said, "Yeah...this weekend..."
She smiled and walked away as she waved bye.

My heart... I placed a hand over my heart. What do I do?? I begun jumping around again, but this time out of extreme happiness.

Requested by @Me_JustRight_Me

Song: V.A. - I Love Party (It's Okay, That's Love OST)

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