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"Dude, look at those girls over there." My friend pointed towards a group of girls heading inside an arcade on the boardwalk. All 4 of us looked but a certain girl caught my eyes. She was wearing light blue shorts with a white blouse tied up by her waist and high top converse. Her hair was wavy and let down.
"L-let's go." I said as I headed towards the arcade too.
"What the- Look at him go!" My friend laughed and playfully hit the others as they caught up with me, Lee Seong-hwa (Aka. Gray).

Inside the arcade, I stole glances at her while playing around with an arcade game, not even paying attention to it. She was laughing with her friends and then they moved to a different area. I sighed and turned around to see all of my friends looking at me with a raised eyebrow. One was sitting in a chair with his chin on his hand. Another was leaning on him with his hand rubbing his chin. Lastly, another was leaning on the counter and crossing his arms.

I jumped and said, "Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"You like her!" One said.
"Go talk to her."
"Just do it!"
I awkwardly laughed and said, "Like her...? Haha... Stop saying nonsense!" I playfully hit them and they all scattered away.
"Yah that hurts!"
"Good!" I said laughing.
One of them threw their arms around me and said, "Let's go!"
"W-where?" I said confused.

We walked out of the arcade, or more like I was dragged out.
"Where are we going?" I said annoyed. I looked up and saw the girl at a claw machine with her friend trying to get a stuffed animal. "Y-yah! She's right there! Stop dragging me!" I tried getting away from their grasp but they pulled me along.
"You're good at those games!" He said.
They pushed me into her and quickly looked away pretending to look at the scenery. I fell onto the ground right next to her and looked up to see them looking down at me. I raised my hand in an awkward 'hi' and said, "Sorry about that."
"It's okay." She ran her hand through her hair to move it out of her face.
"What the heck..." Her friend said annoyed.
I quickly got off the floor, dusted myself off and said, "I-I didn't mean to run into you! My friends- They-" I turned to point at them but they were nowhere to be seen. Where'd they go?
A girl scoffs, wraps her arm around the girl I like and drags her away. "Let's go."
She turned to glance at me as she was being dragged away by her friend. They left...

"Yah!" My friend threw his arms around my neck from behind. "How was it?"
"How was it?" I said furious.
"Uh-oh... Run~~!!!"
They all ran away from me as I chased them down to the beach. I took off my shoe and threw it at one of them, hitting them on the back. He threw his hands up in the air and yelled, "Ahh! I got shot!" And dramatically fell onto the sand. I rushed over and sat on his back, making him grunt.
"Ah ah hyung that hurts!"
"It's supposed to jack***" I said as I sat up and down on his back.
"Hyung!! Spare his life!!" The other yelled from afar.
I started laughing but suddenly a figure stood in front of me. I looked up and saw her, my eyes grew wide. I quickly got off him and stood up, scratching the back of my head.
"Looks like you're having fun." She said while chuckling.
"What? Oh- No! They just-" I stuttered.
She laughed and handed me something from behind her back. I looked at it and it was medicine.
"What's this for?" I asked her confused.
She gently grabbed my left arm and turned it just a bit to show me the scratch I had on it.
"Oh...must've been from falling earlier." I said.

"Hyung! You're bleeding!" My friend said, still laying on the floor.
My other friends ran over and dragged him away and said, "Don't worry about us haha, keep doing what you're doing."
She laughed and put the bag in my hand, "Here."
Then she turned and started walking away but I said, "Excuse me!" She turned back around, I lifted the bag and said, "Can you help me?"
She shyly laughed and nodded her head.

We sat on a bench by the beach as she helped clean my wound and bandage it. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she was beautiful.
"Are you going to keep staring at me like you have been all day or are we actually going to talk now?" She said smiling and without looking up.
"Ah... Uh..." She caught me...I must look like a creep now.
"I'm ___ , you?"
"I'm Lee Seong-hwa, you can call me Gray."
"Alright Gray~, you're all bandaged up."
"Ah...Thank you."
She stood up and started walking away. She's leaving... What do I do?
But instead of leaving, she turned back around and said, "Aren't you coming?"
I smiled in absolute joy and jogged over to her. I was so happy that I was feeling a bit courageous and gently held her hand. She looked at me surprised and I said, "Let's actually talk and get to know each other now. Wanna go on a last minute boardwalk date with me?"
An embarrassed but happy smile formed on her face as she nodded yes. "Let's just do it."
I smiled ear to ear and said, "Let's go."

Holding hands, we began our first date.

Song: Gray - Just Do It

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