Jimin (BTS)

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Jimin and I were out on the road, driving out of the city to go camping. I turned the radio on and smiled at him who was driving. He smiled back and laughed, "Are you that excited to be going out on a date with me?"
"Of course! This is so nice!" The windows were opened and the breeze was perfect. The air was so fresh and the weather, beautiful. I hung my hand out the window and pretended it was flying along with the breeze. He laughed again and couldn't help but smile at me. I laughed too and held his hand that he offered me.

We arrived at the camp and there were so many people around already setting up their tents. He parked the car and we took our things to a spot where there weren't so many people. "This should be a good place." He said.

After we finished setting up our things, I excitedly said, "Let's go to the river!"
Jimin laughed and replied, "Already?" I nodded my head and he said, "Should we?"
"Yay!" I jumped up and down and held onto his arm.

We went to the river together and it was the best place to just relax at. There wasn't so much dirt but rock-like cement instead. I took off my shoes and stepped into the cool water. Jimin did the same. When I wasn't looking, he splashed me and I automatically did a little dance with shivers running down my spine. "Ahh so cold~!" I turned around and saw him laughing so I splashed him back. We went back and forth until I started running away with him chasing me. I tripped on a rock that was in the water and almost fell but he caught me right away.

"I got you." He said with a loving smile.
"If you really wanted to keep splashing me and getting me wet, you would've let me fall into the water," I said laughing.
"Ohh so can I drop you right now?"
He pretended to let go of me and I yelled, "No~!" So he kept his arms around my waist and laughed. I hit his chest and stood up on my own with a huge smile on my face. I was about to walk away but he pulled me back and our lips touched.

We kissed passionately as his arms came around my waist and my arms found their way up and around his neck. He pulled me even closer and smiled into the kiss. I felt him smiling and smiled too, making us open our eyes as we lovingly stared at each other. He leaned his forehead onto mine and said, "I love you."
"I love you too."
He chuckled and gave me one last peck before standing up straight. "Let's go dry off and get something to eat, yeah?"
"Okay~" We held hands, grabbed our things, and headed back to camp.

Jimin was grilling the meat and I was preparing everything else. When I finished setting up our little table, I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned his head to me and smiled. "It's almost done."
He turned back to the meat and started to put them on the plates. I went to go sit down at our little table and soon after, he came with the meat. "Here you go." He fed me a piece and it was soooo good. He chuckled at my expression and said, "I know, I know. I'm the best at grilling."
I laughed and said, "Thank you for the meal~"

After we finished eating and cleaning up, it was getting dark outside. We prepared some hot cocoa and blankets for us to sit outside and look at the stars. There was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, that's why there were so many people out camping tonight. We found out from a grandma with her family earlier.

We sat in our chairs and I wrapped my arm around him, leaning my head onto his shoulder. "The sky is so clear, and the stars look so beautiful."
He kissed my forehead, looked at me and said, "But they're not as beautiful as you."
"Oh gosh, so cheesy." We both laughed and he put his arm around me. I snuggled closer to him.

After a while, we were finally able to see the meteor shower. "That's so cool!" I exclaimed.
It was so romantic. I glanced at Jimin to already find him staring at me with his loving eyes. "Stop looking at me with that stupid look on your face." I jokingly said.
He laughed and turned his face away. "I love you."
" I know, I know, you told me already~" I looked back up at the night sky.
He faced me again and said, "Should we get married?"

I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly so I turned my head to look at him and he smiled. "I really mean it. I know I want to spend the rest of my life together with you. I want to start a family and have a daughter as beautiful and smart as you. Or maybe even a son as handsome and dashing as me." He chuckled and continued, "But I really mean it. My feelings for you are sincere. Every time I look at you, I think to myself, 'wow, I can't believe she's mine.'"

I was speechless, my eyes were tearing up. Just then he got off of his chair and knelt down onto the ground. He took a ring out of his pocket and said, "Will you marry me?"
I was overjoyed and nodded my head, yes as tears began to roll down my cheeks. He smiled, put the ring on my finger and I hugged him right away. We embraced each other for the longest time until he pulled away to take a good look at my face. He gently wiped my tears away and leaned in closer to give me a sweet and loving kiss.

Song: BTS - Miss Right

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