Lee Hyun Woo

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Lee Hyun Woo POV

When the surgery was over, they moved her into a room and I stood outside in front of the room, nervous and afraid. My hands were trembling as I slid the door open. Once my eyes found her laying on the hospital bed, I broke down into tears. I quickly went to her side and held onto her hand. The doctor came into the room and said, "The surgery went well but she is in a state of coma right now. The car accident caused major injuries. All we can do is hope and wait for her to wake up." I sat there lifeless, and cried.

"Stop it! Don't you dare!" She shouted with a laugh.
We were making cupcakes and she put flour all over my left cheek so I started chasing her around the living room with flour all over my hands. She ran to the other side of the table making it a barrier.
"You started it!"
She wined and cutely said, "Mm~ please let me go~ Just this once. Hm?"
I put my arms down, pouted, and then said, "Fine..."
She smiled as if she won and came away from the table. Once she walked past me, I went behind her and quickly squished her face with the flour in my hands.
"Yah~!" She wined and tried wiping her cheeks.
I laughed and held her cheeks once more. She gave up, she didn't push my hands away and stood there defeated. I smiled at her cute pouty face and kissed her. She blushed, feeling embarrassed, and hit my chest.
"Stop being so lovable," I said.
"And what if I don't?" She looked at me straight in the eyes as if daring me to do something.

After a moment of silence, she laughed and turned to leave but I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her in for a kiss. I wrapped my other arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards me. After the kiss, we parted and I leaned my forehead against hers. "You asked for it."
She smiled and gave me a soft peck. "I love you."


"Why are you being like this? You're lying!" She shouted at me.
"I'm not lying!" I shouted back. "I just really needed the money. I never loved you..."
She turned away from me and wiped her tears away. "Fine..." She took out her wallet and threw out all her cash. "Take it, and never appear in front of me ever again."
She ran to her car in tears and drove off. Right in that moment, I regretted lying to her and didn't want to let her go. At first it really was for the money but then I really fell in love with her. I ran to my car and followed her.

I saw her car up ahead going towards the lights. It was already about to turn red but she kept driving. I looked to the left and saw a huge truck rushing through. "______!!" I shouted. Right there, her car was hit. It was smashed, turned upside down, ruined. I got out of my car and ran to her with a group of people also surrounding the car. "___! ____!"

I tried opening her door and it wouldn't budge. I turned around, pointed at a person and said, "You call the ambulance! Get help!" Then I turned back to the car and took off my cardigan to use it too break away the remaining glass left on her window. I quickly but carefully got her out of the vehicle and held her in my arms. She was bleeding so much, I was about to go insane. "____, _____ it's me. Mm? Wake up please? Just open your eyes. Everything will be fine, you'll be okay." I started crying. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm sorry."

The ambulance arrived and we got her to the hospital.

I stayed with her everyday for 2 months straight. Her family and I forgave each other, they let me stay by her side.
Today, I went out to go get more water for the filter. When I walked back into the room, she was still the same. I set the water down, sat by her side and held her hand. "I'm back." After a long pause I continued, "I'm sorry for lying to you and making you cry. Please wake up, hm?" I let one hand go and stroked her hair. "I love you."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked upon her still face. I blamed myself for getting her into this situation. I laid my head down onto the bed and quietly cried.

Suddenly, I felt a hand stroke my hair and I sat up. "____, you're awake!" I took a hold of both of her hands and she gently smiled. "I'm going to go get the doctor!"
She held onto my hand and shook her head. "Stay with me." So I did. I sat back down and she continued, "I should have known that you were lying. You looked like a baby about to cry." She spoke quietly.
"I love you, I love you so much. I'm so sorry and-"
She cut me off, "No more apologizing, I already forgave you ."
I sighed and held onto her hand tighter.

I helped her sit up in bed and right away, she hugged me. It broke me down into tears and I said, "I love you. I really do love you. Thank you so much for staying alive." I held onto her tighter, never wanting to let go ever again.

Requested by @alexis_toquero

Song: Jeong Yeob - 아무일도 없었다 (49 Days OST)

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