Lee Jong Suk

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(Start music when you see '*')

My class just finished so I was now on my way out of the building. When I reached the doors, I realized that it was raining quite a lot and I didn't have an umbrella with me. Everyone else was well prepared and I was the only one left standing at the entrance of the building. With no other choice, I put my book into my bag and took my jacket off to use as an "umbrella".

I quickly ran as safely as I could, without slipping and with a happy smile, to the building across and went under the roof. "Why is it raining so much?" I shook my jacket, and got ready to run to the next building. Half way there, from the corner of my eyes, I saw someone standing in the rain. I quickly glanced, looked away, and then froze. Wait... I turned back and looked at the man drenched in the rain on the other side of the parking lot.

*Start music here*
My chest felt as if all the air inside of me was punched out when I saw Jong Suk on the other side of the street. He wore all black clothing and a black jacket with his hood on. My heart already ached so much, making me clench my chest as a tear fell. I dropped my jacket and my bag onto the ground and even more tears began to fall. I better not be hallucinating again! It's been over 5 years since the last time I've seen him before he was transported back to North Korea. Please, don't be a dream. When I looked up, a truck drove by, and when it passed, Jong Suk disappeared. Not being able to hold myself back, I fell onto my knees and cried my heart out. I must've looked like a crazy person, hitting my heart and crying out loud in the rain. The pain was so unbearable. I cried so much that I couldn't even breathe correctly anymore. It seemed so real, he seemed so real, but then again, hallucinations are supposed to look realistic.

After awhile, I finally calmed down and had the strength to stand up. I was walking like a lifeless zombie, dragging my bag and my jacket on the floor as I walked. Just to check once more, I glanced behind me to see if he was there....but he wasn't.

I turned around and took a few steps. "____." I stopped walking but didn't dare to turn around. Don't tell me I'm hearing things now too... My heart can't take it anymore. I tightly closed my eyes until I heard the voice again. "____."
Since I heard it twice, very slowly, I turned around and looked up. Jong Suk was now closer to me but still as far as ever. My chest began to tighten up again and a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Stop... I can't take this anymore... Stop hallucinating!!" I yelled at myself and turned away while holding my head. I was furious with myself. Why am I doing this to myself all of a sudden?!
"I'm sorry..." He said. I didn't face him, I was scared. I was scared to think that I had actually lost him. I was scared that he'd disappear again. I was scared that he wouldn't really be there.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll be back. I love you." Those were his last words to me before he left. He was a North Korean spy who was sent to assassinate me and my father. My father was a North Korean soldier who ran away years ago and married a South Korean woman who he fell in love with, my mother. She passed away when I was still in high school. Instead of doing his task, fate so happened to bring us together and he fell in love with me. So did I with him.

After awhile, I still turned around to check if he was still standing there...and this time he was. I wasn't sure of anything at the moment. In between breaths, I said, "Are you really...here? Is that really you? I'm not hallucinating right? It's really you right?"

Jong Suk struggled to smile as a tear rolled down his cheek. Suddenly, he ran towards me and embraced me so tightly, I was hit with the truth. "It is you." More tears began to fall and I held onto him even tighter. I missed his touch, his warmth, his scent, I missed everything. Now it was all here, he was here.

He parted just enough to take a look at my face and wiped the tears away, leaving his hands on my face. I struggled to say the words I wanted to say. I couldn't speak. All I did was look into his eyes, still a little bit in disbelief. To answer my question, he said, "It is me. I'm really here. And this time I won't ever leave your side ever again. I'm here to stay, stay with you. I love you. Words can't describe how much I love you."

He gently lifted my chin up and quickly bent down to kiss me as if he couldn't wait any longer. Our kiss was passionate, filled with love. I never wanted this moment to end.

When we parted, he smiled and we stayed there embracing each other in the rain. I was still in disbelief, but the fact that he was really here and with me started to sink in. Even though he knew I already knew this, he said, "I love you." And then kissed me again.

Requested by @EmereineGhelDiscaya

Song: Various artists - Promise (Dr.Stranger OST)

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