Song Joong Ki

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Walking down the hallway in the school's library, Joong Ki's hand gently brushed against mine as he walked past me. It was an accident but it made my heart skip a beat. We actually grew up together, went to the same school together, had the same classes, but we never really talked to each other.

It was time for PE so my class was in the gym. The guys were playing basketball and I was sitting on the bleachers watching Joong Ki help score all the points for his team.

"Yah ___!" It was Kim Naeri. I don't know what her problem is but she hates me! We used to be good friends too.

I turned around to face her and nicely asked, "What is it?"
"Let's play volleyball. They need you on the other team."
Dammit...why do I have to play with her? Park Soojin is on the team too~! Soojin was Naeri's new best friend. Last time I played, I got hit right in the face from Naeri's spike. Thank goodness Joong Ki wasn't there that day!

I sarcastically laughed and covered my mouth like a noble and said, "Omo, me? Alright~" Then I walked to the right back position of the other team with Soojin next to me playing middle back. I saw Naeri roll her eyes and head to the front middle position on her side. I could tell that they had something planned out for me.

We had a few rallies and I received all her spikes towards me nicely. I could tell she was getting annoyed because every time I got the ball up, she would glare at me. It made me laugh a little inside.

The ball was passed over to our side and right in between Soojin and I, so I yelled, "I got it!"  But all of a sudden, Soojin ran straight into me and pushed me out of the way. I tripped over myself and almost fell over until I felt a pair of arms holding me. Slowly opening my eyes, it was Joong Ki. (O.O)

I was so surprised to see him! When I looked away from him, I realized that everyone was staring. The boys playing basketball, the girls playing volleyball, and even the people sitting on the benches. "Are you okay?" He asked. His voice sounded very gentle and caring but his expression stayed neutral as if trying to keep calm in front of everyone.

"Y-yea, I'm okay..." He helped me stand but right when my left foot touched the floor, I winced. Dammit... Must've been when I tripped earlier. He quickly put his arms around my shoulders and said, "You're not okay. Let's go to the nurse." But before we took another step, he let go of me and turned towards the volleyball players and said, "Isn't this too much? She obviously called for the ball while you didn't. Running into her on purpose like that wasn't necessary." He was talking about Soojin but looking more at Naeri. Soojin looked guilty but Naeri looked pissed off.

Turning back to me, he held my hand and my arm to try and be a support for my leg but it was still difficult for me to walk. "This won't do..." He said. Then all of a sudden, he carried me bridal style! The guys who were playing basketball yelled, "Ouuuuuuuuu" and started clapping and shouting. "Yah!" I quietly yell at him. "People are looking!"

Joong Ki chuckled and said, "Don't worry." A big smile creeped onto his face. What's his deal? But I still felt warm and happy inside. I was honestly trying to conceal my happiness.

In the nurses office, he set me down on the bed. The nurse wasn't in so he sat by me and waited with me. "Why are you so dumb?" He suddenly said.
"Excuse me?" I sat straight up in the bed and turned towards him.
"Why'd you go play with them if you knew that they were planning something?"
"Because I'm obviously better than them and I'm not gonna let her bring me down!"
"Well someone literally almost fell down, if it wasn't for me-" I cut him off.
"Alright! I get it! Thank you!" I crossed my arms and leaned back to the wall. He laughed and I shot up again. "Why are you laughing? What's-"

His face came right in front of mine and my heart almost exploded! He was smiling and staring straight into my eyes. He was so close! What do I do? I can't breathe! "Relax." He said.
"How can I when you're this close to me?" I was gonna get off the bed from the other side but he grabbed my hand, and pulled me back with his other hand taking a hold of my face as he suddenly kissed me. I was completely shocked so my eyes stayed wide open. He leaned back to look at me and chuckled. "Refuse it if you want but I'm gonna do it again...properly this time." I didn't move, I just kept looking into his eyes, frozen as he slowly leaned towards me. As his lips touched mine, my eyes naturally closed and his free hand laced with mine.

In the library, I saw her walking my direction so I decided to walk past her with our hands brushing. I couldn't help but smile because I knew how flustered she would be.

In the gym, I already had a feeling something was off so I watched over her the entire time and couldn't focus on my game. Thank goodness I got to her on time.

Okay I can do this. You know she likes you...right? No! You can do this. Fighting!

Requested by @VernonChwe69

Song: Davichi - This Love instrumental (Descendants of the Sun OST)

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