Kangin (Super Junior) Part 2

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Here's the request for part two many people were asking for! Hope you enjoy it! Now....music que!!

Kangin took the ring off the cake and suddenly walked over to me, kneeling one knee on the ground. He smiled at me and said, "Y/n, will you marry me?"
"You're so stupid," I said jokingly. "But yes, I will marry you."
A tear rolled down my cheek as he put the ring on my finger. I threw my arms around him as soon as he finished putting the ring on me. He hugged me back and we swayed back and fourth. Then he parted from me and stood up to bend down at my level. "I love you."
His hand gently lifted my chin up as he came closer to kiss me sweetly.

Because I was crying all night, I fell asleep in the hospital room while hugging my knees and leaning against the wall. I felt my shoulder being gently shaken and woke up from the sweet dream. I looked up and saw Kangin bending down, looking at me worried.

"Sorry for waking you up, but you were asleep there for a long time and it must be uncomfortable. You can sleep in the bed." He said.
"No, it's okay." I tried standing up but wobbled and almost fell. Kangin caught me and I looked at him with wide eyes.
"O-oh, s-s-sorry!" He carefully let me go and I stood up straight.

After a small awkward silence, I asked, "Do you.. really not remember anything?"
He uncomfortably scratched the back of his head and replied, "I'm sorry. I don't..."
I sighed and gave him a weak smile. "Don't worry. Well, I'm ___."
He repeated my name and nodded his head as if he was trying to remember. It pained my chest but I tried not to show it and kept smiling. "If you need anything, my number is on your phone. I'll be back with your change of clothes and other items."

I turned to leave but he quickly said, "Sorry but..." I turned to face him, "...what was our relationship?"
I instinctively touched the ring on my finger, but covered it and hesitatingly said, "Your girlfriend."
"Pardon?" He said in surprise. His expression became filled with guilt and said, "I'm sorry..."
"Stop saying sorry~" I nicely said. Because it's breaking my heart...


I arrived back to our apartment and took one step inside. The door closed behind me and I began crying right away. I wiped tear after tear but couldn't stop them from falling. I ended up going into the bedroom and flopping onto the bed, hugging my knees as I laid there. A tear trickled down my face and I slowly fell asleep, exhausted.

The next morning, I finally found the duffle bag in the closet and began to pack his clothes and other necessities that he might need. When I finished, I glanced around the apartment before leaving just to make sure I didn't forget anything.


I arrived back to the hospital and knocked before I went into the room. When I entered, I saw Kangin sitting in bed looking down into his phone.
"I'm back."
He looked up at me and I saw dry tears on his face. My eyes grew wide in worry and I dropped the duffle bag, running over to his side. "Kangin, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" I looked down at his phone and saw a picture of us together. "W-why do you have that picture?"


I was sitting down inside the building, waiting for Kangin to get the car and was going through the pictures we took of him proposing to me.
"I like this one~"
I sent all of the pictures we took to his phone and set my phone down onto the table.
"What's taking him so long?"
I looked out the window and decided to head outside and wait.

Kangin looked up into my eyes and I turned towards him, not knowing what to say.
"Why didn't you tell me that I proposed to you?" He said.
"I...I...I couldn't bear to tell you..." I said walking away and turning my back towards him. My tears came out so easily now these days because now I was already crying.
"I would've remembered sooner if you told me."

I quickly looked up and turned around to look at him with wide eyes. "What did you say?"
"I remember... I remember everything now. I'm sorry." A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Really? Are your memories really back?" I took big strides towards him and quickly hugged him, leaning my head against his chest.
His arms wrapped around me and he stroked my hair. "I'm sorry for not remembering sooner. I'm sorry for making you cry."
I shook my head and he gently pulled away to glance at my face. He leaned closer to me and kissed the tears away. Then he looked at my lips and lowered his head to give me a sweet kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed him back as another tear trickled down my cheek. It wasn't the end of our book after all, it was just a new chapter <3

Song: There Was Nothing - Jung Yeop (49 Days OST)

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