Chapter 18

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As I sit here and listen to her story all I can think about is why didn't I kill that mother fucker when I had the chance earlier. Nate was right, I owe him an apology. But what happened one of the first times I met her made sense now. I had come up behind her and grabbed her arm gonna swing her around and she come around with her fist and almost hit me. She was embarrassed and apologized but I just played it off. She only lets a few people in her personal space that aren't kids and now I know why. I'm beyond pissed but I have to control it because I know she is waiting for me to explode. She knows how I feel about a man putting his hands on a woman much less raping her. Then I hear her say, " I was ruined and no other guy could ever want me" that really pisses me off. I pull her in closer and lean back in the chair tucking her under my arm. Chey, baby girl listen to me, you were not ruined you are just as special now as you were then. Robert loved you that didn't make a difference to him at all. I may not have been around back then but darlin I know what you had together and we all want that kind of love. I should have beaten him some more today I wish I had known this then. Cheyenne looks up at me with her baby blues full of tears her face splotchy where she has been crying and says"he ain't worth it I figured out a long time ago because I found true love in Robert now granted things weren't always perfect but we never gave up. We never quit on each other. He loved me through the nightmares when they would come and that is why I don't want to sleep, he's not here to hold me. After 24 years of marriage it's hard to sleep in a bed alone add on the past 2 days and it's impossible. So why do I want to try only to be woken up screaming from the nightmare?" I just look at her and decide that she was sleeping tonight if it meant I had to stay with her. I pick her up and take her to my room and I see that as I lay her on my bed she has fallen asleep. I strip out of my jeans leaving my boxers on and lay down on the bed beside her. She curls up into my chest . I put my arm around her and turn out the light.

The next thing I am aware of is Kolbys voice saying "what the hell BG? Are you fucking serious I know that Amber is being a bitch but really?? I ought to whoop your ass right now?" I don't know what the crap Kolby is talking about I feel a arm pull me close and then I realize that Cheyenne is in the bed with me and Kolby has gotten the wrong idea. I untangle myself and pull Kolby into the bathroom and shut the door, "Kolby be quiet you will wake her up and she needs to rest. We didn't lay down till 4am." With that Kolby hits me. "Wait man let me explain." So I tell him what happened and he's pissed and wants to go look for Tom. I told him that she had planned to stay up all night so the nightmares wouldn't come back. I can tell he feels bad for hitting me but it's okay I know he loves Chey and that is why he did it. We talk a little about how the day would go and how when we leave we need to make sure to stay on top of things out here. I here a buzzing and its Chey's phone I look at it thinking it is one of the kids but it's Nate.

Nate:  Just wanted to check on you this morning to see if you slept any last night. I'm hoping that since you didn't text me to come over that you were able to rest without the nightmares darlin.
Chey's phone : This is BG Cheyenne is asleep and she hasn't had a nightmare. I made sure of that. Now you were right I would have killed Tom if I knew what he had done to her. So for that we are good. Now get this through your head, there will be no late night calls for you to come over. She needs people around her who care about her and who want the best for her and I don't believe that you fall into that category .
Nate: Glad she is sleeping but man I know that you are married and your wife is good friends with Cheyenne but would she really like knowing that her husband is taking care of another woman like you are? What would the media say about that?
BG on Cheyenne's phone: I'm gonna say this one time leave my wife and Cheyenne alone. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm doing what I promised Robert I would and that is make sure his family is alright. So I'm here for the long haul so you better get used to it.
Nate: I can tell you the same get used to me being around because I'm the one here when you have to leave. Tell Cheyenne that I will see her at the funeral unless she needs me before then.

That little prick makes me so mad, I just want to wipe that smirk off his face. I hear Cheyenne starting to stir so I get in the shower and get ready for the funeral. I walk out with my clothes on and Cheyenne is sitting up but busts out laughing. I ask her what is so funny and she looks at me and laughs with tears running down her face and says you. I think she has lost it after having a rough 2 days. She asks me what I have on? I look down at the black dress slacks and black button up dress shirt and look back at her. I reply," clothes in case you have forgotten we have a funeral today" she replied ," no I haven't forgotten but you are not wearing that put your jeans on and your chains and rings. That is who you are and what Robert would want you to wear. Not something that isn't you B." Just when I think she can't surprise me anymore she comes out with this. "Okay I will but you need to go next door and get ready we need to leave in an hour. Here is your phone and you may get mad when you find out I read and replied to Nate this morning but just know it is because I care. I thought it might have been one of the kids or something that needed taking care of right away. So I opened it and then I just got pissed and responded." She said okay and rolled her eyes a me. She opened the messages and laughed then looks at me with a smirk and said no pissing contests today boys. I growl a her and told her I wouldn't promise her because I know I probably would break it. She hugged me and said" thanks for last night B" as she turns to leaves he say" I won't tell Amber that you slept with me if you don't" laughs as she takes off out the door. I shake my head at her and grin, that girl is crazy. My kind of crazy so glad she's my best friend.

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