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Cheyenne looks around at the stands of the baseball field, thinking about how much she has been blessed. Sierra is sitting beside her talking to BG and Amber , Robert is at the announcers table getting ready for the high school game that is about to start. Cheyenne looks to the field and watches Ace warm up. She can hardly believe that her baby is 17 years old and a junior in high school. Robert catches her eye and grins, he still makes her heart skip a beat after 23 years of marriage. BG catches them looking at each other and whispers to Sierra, " Your parents amaze me , the love they have for one another can be seen in just a look, even after all these years." Sierra glances at her parents and whispers back with a grin ," You should have lived with them. But seriously, I knew what true love was when it happened to me at 17 because I saw it every day in them. Many of these people thought I was crazy or pregnant when I married right after I got out of high school. But when I found Colt, I found the love that they had and I couldn't see any reason in waiting. But the best part of it all, was the support I got from mom and dad." BG replies," Yeah I get what you are saying. When I first met your mom and dad, I could see how much they loved each other. Cheyenne always talked about Robert and her kids and your dad was the same. I am very blessed to call them my friends, to them I wasjust B , not BG country music star. Who am I kidding, they are a part of my family." Amber just sits beside BG taking in the conversation.

Robert announces the visiting teams lineup and then starts with the hometown Indians, "Leading off and playing centerfield #8 Ace McCoy. " the crowd cheers and yells as Ace sprints to centerfield. Ace takes off his hat , sets his glove down and faces the flag, to get ready for the National Anthem. This is an important game for the Indians, with a win they take the Area Championship and a homefield advantage in the first round of State playoffs. Bottom of the 1st inning , Ace leads off the game with a stand up triple, the crowd goes crazy! This is going to be a great game for the Indians! As Ace is standing on 3rd base, BG yells," Way to start if off HOSS!!" Ace grins from ear to ear. That yell is what draws attention to BG, a few fans come over and want to take pictures with him. BG is very nice and takes the photos and signs a few things then gets back to watching the game. Sierra grins at Amber and says" Bet you can't take him anywhere." Amber replies with a laugh, " You are right, I can't". BG looks at both of them with a smirk and replies," But you ladies love me ." The game only lasts 5 innings as the Indians win the Area Championship with a 15-0 score. After the game, Ace makes his way to his parents, BG, Amber and Sierra but is stopped along the way by other fans and parents congratulating him on a great game. He went 5-6 at the plate with a HR and a hit by pitch and caught 6 of the outs and threw a runner out at home from centerfield. BG is the first to greet him with a hug and they start talking about the game while Cheyenne, Amber and Sierra talk. Robert joins Ace and BG in their discussion of the game. Sierra tells Ace good game and that she will see them all later because she has an early class at the University of Alabama in the morning. Cheyenne hugs Ace and tells him that he did great tonight and asks" What are your plans tonight?" Ace replies, "Depends on what we are doing for supper." The whole group laughs ans Cheyenne says,"The Diner is cooking tonight." Ace said," Okay I will meet y'all there." Everyone heads to the Diner to celebrate the win.

After they order and eat, they all say their goodbyes. It is a school day for Ace and Cheyenne and a work day for Robert tomorrow and BG and Amber are heading home to Jefferson, Georgia tonight. Amber hugs Cheyenne and tells her" You are so blessed to have such a great family. I hate that we didn't get to see Ellison this time though." Cheyenne replies," You and B will have a great family too, when the time is right." Amber looks kind of sad when she says that and replies,"Not anytime soon cause he won't quit touring" Cheyenne hugs Amber a little tighter and says" Well girl you knew who he was when you married him and what he did, so you may want to do some thinking. I love you and am here if you want to talk ." Cheyenne goes to hug B and he asks quietly in her ear, "Everything okay?" Cheyenne replies, "We will talk later but yeah just girl talk. Love you B" B replies to Cheyenne, "Love you Chey, take care of everyone and give our love to Ellison. Tell her I have tickets on reserve for whenever her and Claire can get to a show." "She will love that B" replies Cheyenne. Robert hugs Amber and tells them to send a text when they make it home that way they know that they have arrived safe.

Robert gets in the car, takes Cheyenne's hand and kisses it saying" Have I told you today that I love you?" Cheyenne replies with a smile,"You have but I never get tired of hearing it." "I never get tired of saying it " Robert replies. Later at home, after washing Ace's uniform and while getting ready for bed, both Robert and Cheyenne get a text from BG and Amber saying that they were pulling in the driveway.

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