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You would think that because its Spring, that people would have the decency to actually put the dam heater on. Like seriously, this is Melbourne for Gods sake, you know, the only place that has four seasons in one day?

The bottom line is, is that the heater should be on when its 25C or less, like it is now.

Pulling my coat tighter around my body, I walked around the Melbourne airport aimlessly trying to kill time. And every loser like me would end up in the back of the over-priced book store, searching for that one book I've been dying to find.

Oh and it seem like the owner of the store was the only person who knew what the term 'heater' was.

"Agh" I sighed in appreciation. There before my eyes, was the book that practically is the downfall of my life, the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Yet the best.

I grasped the book and took it to the counter, where I was greeted by an old lady who looked like she was having the best time of her life (sarcasm btw).

"Hello Darlin," She spoke with a strong aussie accent. I smiled back, passing her the book. "that ones $19.99" She replied, crewing on her gum that smelt like strong mint. I sighed at the price and handed over a $20 note and left the store to fend for myself in the freezing cold of the airport. I found myself sitting by a window trying to embrace the silence.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" I jumped as the voice from behind I spoke. "Our plane is leaving, like now" Emily rushed over me, not giving me time to speak. She grabbed my arm and pulled me though the terminal.

"Final call for Miss Spencer Hill and Emily- were here!" Emily screamed at the man unintentionally. He dropped his guard for a couple a moments, cursing under his breath and then plastering that 'I hate you' smile onto his face.

"Enjoy your flight" His dull voice spoke after we passed our tickets to him. Em flashed him a wink and pulled me down to the plane where everyone was either asleep or unimpressed.

"Im am extremely sorry for being late" She spoke up, all eyes (that were awake) we glued to her. "I just got a phone call from my mother" She began to sob, myself biting my lip to contain my laughter. "I-I can't do this" She cried out.

"Stop judging the poor girl. Her dog Nikey passed away so be apologise for being late" I finished for her as we slowly made our way down the isles. We sat in our seats, which ended up having the isle in the middle, and burst into a quite laughter.

"I didn't get a low B in drama for nothing" Emily joked, slumping into her chair.

"Why hasn't Home and Away called yet?" I chuckled with her as she shrugged.

"Well every actor needs her beauty sleep and timezones are going to be the death of me" She commented, taking the pillow out of the packet, then the rug.

"Its only an hour you dumbass"

"Shut up" She muttered, trying to get comfortable. I took that as my que to shut up and pick up from where I was reading.

"Just made it hey?" A voice that I didn't quiet recognise spoke. I turned to meet a young man whose chocolate eyes caught my attention. Instantly, my palms felt sweaty and my head got a tad dizzy. The most male interaction I've had in which seems like years.

"Yeah, her dog died" I blutered out. Great going Spencer, this is why the whole male species don't speak to you. He let out a chuckle and brought his hand to his heart.

"Your speech got me teary" I laughed at his comment.

"Well I'm A-Hello, this is your captain, we will be arriving in Sydney at 1:20am for an hour and 10 minute flight. Cabin Crew, please prepare for take off and I hope you enjoy flying with JetStar." the captain spoke over the PA, causing a few groans from some sleepy passengers. I let out a sigh, trying my hardest not to meet his gaze again.

"So what brings you to Sydney?" I asked, not wanting to make things acca-awkward (a/n: im going to hell for writing that)

"Well" He fumbled, running his hands though his dark hair. "Myself and a few other guys were at the Logies"

"Fun" I rolled my eyes in pure sarcasm. The Logies, also know as the most pointless award show on the planet, making me miss out on an episode of Masterchef. He chuckled and asked me the same question.

"Gap yearing with her" I pointed to a now fast asleep Emily.

"Fun" he mocked.

"Especially with Emily, if you wake her from her slumber any earlier than 10:30, she will rip your head off"

My plans on sleeping were fading away as I spent the rest of the hour talking to the un-named man. The plane landed smoothly into a much warmer Sydney, despite it being 1 in the morning.

"Well it was lovely to meet you, I might see you around" I commented after kicking Emily's leg in attempt to wake her up.

"You too" He flashed a smile. I turned my attention back to a sleepy, yet egar Emily who pulled me off the plane and burst my eardrum as we reached the terminal.

"Aunty Bea!" She yelled. Embracing Bea, who I had met previous times before. We collected our bags as fast as possible because we were dying for a Maccas run, (plane food is never good).

"This is going to be the best part of our gap year Spence." Emily giggled and linked my arm. I nodded in agreement and walked to Bea's car because it was to run (and who runs these days pff). Sliding into the back seat, Bea politely turned up the heater and the music. We were driving for a 10 minutes, looking at the view of how pretty the city looked at night.

"Hey Bea, do you live on the East side now?" Emily asked.

"Yeah Em, I moved to Bondi two years after you left. Its really nice here. Close to everything, shops, cafes, beach--" Bea's list carried on. I couldn't help but turn my mind to the mystery dark haired boy who I never got the name of.



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