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Spencer’s P.O.V

Sadly, Taco was working today. But he said to come down around lunchtime so we could get a nice meal down at the prom. The sunlight had shone through the blinds and onto my eyes. ‘it burnnns’ I muttered to myself, being dramatic. It was gonna be a hot one today. I got out of bed and ran downstairs and lunched myself at Emily.

“You’re homeeeeeee!” I hugged her.

“I knoww! It’s only been 2 days but you need to fill me up on all of the goss!” she said throwing her suitcase onto the floor and join me at the kitchen table whilst I made us a coffee. I took a sip and just looked at her.

“Spencer!” she gasped, she knew me too well. “You didn’t, did you?” her mouth widened. I smiled looking down whilst stirring my coffee.

“maybe” my smiled widened.

“O-M-G!” she squealed. “How was it?” 

“good.” I tried to act cool.

“good?” she asked, “just good?” there was a pause.

“it was great.” I let out a sigh, smiling. She came up and hugged me. 

“Well i’m going out with Taco for lunch, so do you want to have dinner together?” I asked her changing the subject.

“Yes! But you need to go get ready, go go go!” she pushed me back up the stairs. I walked up the stairs and jumped into the cold shower to cool off. 

I deiced to wear a waist high pink skirt with a white crop top which covered my stomach with my ‘spencer’ necklace. I grabbed my purse and and put my thongs on as I walked out the door into my car. I knew it was going to be busy, but it could kill time because I was a little early. I walked up to the tower and the door was already open so I walked in to surprise Taco.

“So you’re saying that Spencer was a rebound after Jessica?” Bisho asked.

“You could say that.” Taco laughed with Bisho. Did I hear that correctly? It hit me, I was a fucking rebound for him. How dare he. I stood there with my mouth open.

“Shit Spencer.” Taco got up from the chair and followed me as I ran out to the promenade. Tears filled my eyes. I can’t believe I actually trusted him.

“Spencer!” He caught up to me grabbing my hand and turn me around to face him. 

“I was a fucking rebound.” I yelled at him 

“Spencer you weren’t” That pissed me off more.

“I heard you Taco! Dont lie to my face.”

“Spence, please let me explain.” he grabbed my hands, but I pulled them away.

“No Taco.” I was fighting back my tears, but they were slowly falling down my cheek. “I trusted you! I fucking trusted you. I told you everything, but you just used me. You’re no better than Shaun.”I turned around and ran to my car. I could outrun him if I tried. He ran after me but I lost him in the car park. I got into the car and slammed my door close. Then the tears came. I rested my head on the wheel and sobbed. My phone kept ringing and it was Taco, I just ignored it. I really thought her cared. He said he loved me, but he didn’t. Spencer why were you so fucking stupid? I just want to go back home. I grabbed my phone and declined Taco’s call. I scrolled though my contacts and called the only person in the whole world who actually cares. It rang 4 times until he picked up.

“Levi?” I managed to get out.

“Spencer? Is everything alright?” he asked. I told him everything that happened. Melbourne, shaun, the sex, I love you, being a rebound.

“I just want to come home. Please. Emily has someone and i’m just going to be alone.” I sobbed. “and I miss you, so much.” 

“Spencer, I miss you too.” that just made me cry more. “Spence, I’ll get the next flight to Sydney. I’ll use my birthday money. I really need to see you. I’ll text you as soon as I have details okay?”

“Oh Levi.” I cried “You are the best brother in the world. I need to see you as soon as possible.”

“Love you Spencer and be safe just until I arrive okay?”

“okay” I replied hanging up. 

Taco’s P.O.V

I followed her to the car park and lost her. 

“Why the fuck would you say that Adrian you dick head” I muttered to myself with my face in my hands. I had lost the only person that actually loved me. I fucked up this time. I was still on lunch break so I drove to Maxi and Jesse’s apartment down the road a bit. Jesse was working today and Maxi was at home. I drove to their house and knocked on the door. 

“Thank God you’re here Maxi.” I bro hugged him.

“Whats up Taco?” he asked leading me inside.

“I’m on lunch break so I don’t have long but I need your help.”

“Sure, what with?”


“Spencer?” he asked.

“I’ve screwed up big time.” I told him.

“Do you want to explain?” Maxi looked curious. I looked at the clock and I still had 20 minutes left.

“ You know how I broke up with Jessica?” I asked him.

“Ugh, yes.” I knew Maxi never liked her.

“Well she actually cheated on me.” 

“Slut” Maxi whispered under his breath which made me relax a little.

“Well I really wanted to make her jealous, and Spencer and I were getting close and I thought I’d use her to get Jessica back. But it turns out I actually had feelings for her and I just forgot about Jess.” I blurted out.

“Oh no Taco.” Maxi sighed.

 “But theres more. I was going to take Spencer out for lunch today and Bisho and I were talking about it and he said that she was a rebound. I was stupid and said yes and she heard it all. Now she hates my guts. What do I do maxi?” I put my face back into my hands and let out a sigh.

“Taco, what you did was a very stupid move to use Spencer, but give her time. Ill talk to her for you.” Maxi replied.

“Cheers Maxi” I stood up and hugged him. “I have to get back to work now or Hoppo will be pissed.” I walked out and waved him goodbye as I drove back to Bondi.

im lazy and i didnt read over it so if something doesn't make sense soz not soz xo
anddd whippet and i have the share birthday.. twinnes xoxoox and i will update again in an hour or 2 xo

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