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Levi’s P.O.V (photo to your right)

As soon as she hung up I went straight online to get my tickets. How dare that fucker do what he did to Spence. She has been though way too much in her life and she doesn’t need that kid to mess it up even more. I would do anything for her, even fly across the country for a couple of days. The next available ticket was 6am the next day. I brought my ticket and texted Spence. ‘Land tomorrow at 12:30pm NSW time. -L’ I got a reply in seconds. ‘Thank you so much Levi! Love you xx -S’ I deiced to call into mums to check in on her and tell her. She lived about a 20 minute drive away with her boyfriend Dave. Jesus I hated him.

I arrived at mums and she answered the door. 

“Levi honey!” she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“Hi mum.” I said in that dull voice whenever she hugged me as a joke. I walked in and Dave had just woken up (time difference remember).

“Hey Levi.” he said giving me this glare. I don’t know if it was ‘i’m making an effort, you better do the same you idiot’ or ‘I hate you, what are you doing here’ glare.

“Hey Dave!” I said in a enthusiastic tone sarcastically. I know he hated the name dave. He likes ‘David’ but why would I call him that when I know he hates it? She led me to the couch and sat me down.

“Want anything honey?” she asked.

“ a cold beer would be great!” mum laughed but it made Dave give me a look. “Mate, loosen up.” I looked at him. “I’m fine thanks mum.” Mum knew that I was this joker.

“So what brings you here Levi?” Mum asked as she ruffled my long black hair as she sat down with her coffee.

“I’m actually going to Sydney tomorrow to see Spencer.” I said. Mum gasped.

“Is she okay? Whats going on?” Spencer would kill me if I told her what happened.

“Nothings wrong mum, I’m just surprising her.” She let out a sigh of relief.

“Well do you know when she’s coming home?” she asked.

“Well when they feel like it. They have to come back and study in a few months but they are buying the plane ticket when they want to leave.”

“How are they paying for Accommodation?” 

“She’s staying with Emily’s aunty”

“Oh okay.” she got up and passed me an envelope. “Pass this onto her for me please.” Of course it was money. A couple thousand I should add. With a set of keys. Typical mum trying to buy her way out of not being there for her.

“The keys are to the apartment dad owned, if she is going to stay for a while she would have the apartment.”

“Urrm Cheers mum, I have to get going any ways.” I stood up and hugged her.

“Tell her I love her very much and be safe!” she said walking me to the door.

“See ya Dave!” I yelled waving with a smile.

Spencer’s P.O.V

I had calmed down a bit after the text from levi. I have driven god knows where. You cloud say I was lost and I have no idea how to get out. I just drove around for the next hour and a bit until I found my way back into Bondi. I parked my car at Bea’s house and walked down to Bronte. It wasn’t as busy as I thought it would be. I sat at a park bench overlooking the beach and got my book out. I was only 5 chapters away until I had finished it again for the 13th time to be exact. I was getting into reading it until someone sat next to me. 

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