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Epilogue- 10 years later.

Taco's P.O.V

"Daddy!" a beautiful blonde, 4 year old girl walked though the door. Her arms clasped around my neck as I bent down to meet her.

"My Princess" I kissed her cheek. "How was your day today?" She pulled her bag around from her back and dug though it. Her tanned face lit up as her hands held a pice of paper in her hand.

"I drew you picture" She handed me the paper and 3 stick people were drawn on it in front of the beach. "Look daddy. It's you, me and mummy!" She pointed out to them.

"Thats amazing darling! I think that desveres a place on the fridge." I smiled and she ran excitedly into the kitchen.

"You are so good with her" I stood up and met the eyes of my wife, Lana. I cupped her cheeks and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I love you" I whispered to her. A smile appeared on her lips and she replied with the same words.

"But I need to get dinner ready" She pulled away from me. "Do me a favour and get that glass bowl from the basement please"

"The one we had on christmas?

"Yes Adrian" She nodded, walking into the kitchen. I hurried downstairs into the basement and searched for that glass bowl. Many minutes and many more boxes later, I was having no luck. I ended up digging though a box, about to give up until I came across a dvd case with 'Taco' written on the top in a certain handwriting I couldn't quiet remember. The boys are the only ones who call me Taco and Lana called me by my first name. Confused, I took the case and walked up into my bedroom and opening my laptop. The laptop lit up the dull room as I placed the disk into the drive. To my surprise, still to this day, the most beautiful brunette girl appeared on the screen. Her light eyes lit up and infamous smile made me feel gidding inside.

"Hello futuristic Taco!" Her voice, oh god that brought tears to my eyes. "So, if you are watching this, I'm dead. Well I asked Emily to give this to you later on so yeah." She paused looking for words. "Today I had my 1st dose of Chemo today and to be honest, I was shit scared" she chuckled at herself.

"You came with me today and I couldn't thank you enough. You are currently downstairs cooking because you insisted. Well my laptop is about to die and we all know I will procrastinate making this video. So hopefully if you keep the promise that I will be making soon, you will be in love with someone else. Well you god kid! Hook in" She laughed. Tears fell more down my cheeks, trying so, so hard to keep them in.

"But you will always be mine, this promise ring will be on my finger forever" She showed the ring and then admired it to herself.

"So I love you so much and- Spence?" A voice came from the other side of the camera. A guy walked into the screen and hugged her from behind.

It was me.

"Whatca doing" I asked, giving her that look of love. She laughed looking into the camera then back at me.

"Just making a video"

"Will I get I see it?" I asked as my nosey self.

"Hopefully not but maybe one day" She smiled, turning to meet my younger eyes and kissed my lips which broke me. I was crying so hard, just as hard as I did at the hospital. I missed her so, so much. I may of moved on but she will forever have a spot in my heart.

"Daddy" a faint knock was heard at my door. "Why are you crying?" Estelle jumped onto the bed and hugged me tightly.

"I love you so much Princess, always remember that" I told her though the sniffles. I looked up and saw Lana standing by the door.

"Estelle can you please go set the table" she asked as she nodded and run out of the room saying "I love you too Daddy." Lana walked over to the bed and sat beside me. I looked back to the screen and cried more. It was stopped on my arms tightly around Spencer and us both smiling.

"So this is Spencer" She asked looking at the happy couple. I cried into her arms as my answer.

"I just miss her so much"

"I know baby I know" She kissed the top of my head and cradled me. Before I knew it, I was on a flight to Perth and standing in front of her grave. I placed down her favourite flowers on her grave which read 'Gone too young to meet her father and brother in heaven' I knelt down and placed my hand on her grave.

"I sill love you Spencer" I twirled the necklace that I put the charms on that I still wore. "You know the saying, for eternity."

3rd person.

Taco ended up having another child with his wife and lived a long life with his family. Every year, he would still visit her grave and re-watched the videos and photos that he had forgotten about. He never told Lana about the special spot in the forest that Spencer and himself shared, but he has taken Estelle there many times. The name was soon changed from hell to Spencer's Haven. Emily and Bacon ended up taking a break, 6 months after Spencer's death but found each other again after Adrain persuaded him to follow her, to not let her go. They now have a son. Mrs Hill ended up taking her life after everyone from her family was gone. The gay marriage laws were opened up in Australia 4 years on and Maxi and Jesse were legally married and adopted a young boy who grew up by the beach.

Not everyone had their happy endings but thats life. To Spencer, her life from that moment she met Adrian, became a fairytale. Happy endings only exist in fairytales, but she lived hers with the one she loved.

Her life was like a Mid Summers Dream.

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