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A/N- so sorry for the amount of swearing in this chapter, it felt necessary :)

"No Adrian!" I was now shouting, "You have a girlfriend and I have a-fucking-fiancée back home." I paced myself into the kitchen area, leaving Adrian in the room. I had no where to go, no room key, no phone, nothing. I was furious. I was furious at him, I was furious with myself. Just I was so close. So-fucking-close. I only had one day left. One day and I could of gone home and spent the rest of my life with Drew. Good one Spence, you messed up again. I ran my hands though my hair and I sat on the bench. Why though, why me? I could hear Taco pick up the phone. He was talking to Anna.

"Nothing to worry about, I just left early because I was tried, Anna" he paused.

"Just in my hotel room, I'll be home just after noon."

"Okay, love you too" He had hung up as I heard him cuss to himself. He lied to her, didn't tell Anna. He said he loved her after that. How pathetic.

"So you're not going to tell her" I nearly whimpered. I was too choked up to yell at him.

"Spencer, of course I have to tell her. But telling her over the phone, 'Oh by the way I slept with my ex last night'" He remarked. I sat in silence as Taco leaned on the wall opposite of me. I remember what I actually stayed for.

"I need you use your phone" I tried to be polite but it didn't really work.

"Why?" he asked confused.

"I need to get out of here and because we are in a hotel where you need a key card to get to your floor and I was too drunk to get one" I gritted though my teeth. So many questions. He tossed me his phone as I dialed Neave's number that I remembered. I didn't really want to wake Mr and Mrs Smith (A/N movie remark).

"hello?" she muttered in a sleepy tone.

"hey Neave, so sorry to wake you but-- Jesus Spencer, you alright? I got worried" She cut me off as I looked up to Taco.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need you to meet me in the lobby to get me back into our room." I looked back down at my feet.

"Okay, give me 5 minutes" She replied as I hung up. I passed the phone back to Adrian and took one last look at him. "Goodbye Adrian" I put on a noticeable fake smile and left him for hopefully the last time I'll ever see him again.

I stood by the lift, arms folded, tear stains and fresh tears down my face in my crinkled purple dress with my heels in my hand. I watched as the lift doors opened, with Neave in them still in her Pjs. She gestured for me to come in and she tapped her card on the scanner and pressed floor 5. She didn't say a word but instead put her arm around me and lead me into our room. She sat me down on the couch as I burst into tears.

"Awh Spence, what happened?" She asked in a comforting tone, rubbing my back. I did hesitate to tell her, but she's the closest thing I had to a friend right now.

"T-ttaco and I got ddrunnk and weell" I stuttered though my tears. "and we kindda sleept toogetherr" I cried a little harder. She was stunned about what happened with her expression on her face.

"Oh honey" she hugged me tighter.

"I just don't know what to do" I whimpered.

"Well if you tell the truth, its going to be okay. You were drunk, you regret it and it will blow over soon I promise. Now lets get you showered, cleaned up and go home" She smiled as I nodded and got into the shower, washing all of last night off me, well the memory will always linger in my mind. I chucked on my spare clothes as Neave, Eva and myself checked out as Emily would see me off at the airport. I was dropped home to my apartment as I started packing my suit case for my flight home. I checked the time as all of my clothes were packed, 7pm. I deiced to give Drew a ring to see how he is.

A Mid Summers Dream (bondi rescue)Where stories live. Discover now