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The soft afternoon breeze blew against my face with the warm salty water and golden sand went in between my toes. The clear blue water showed every flaw and aspect on your body as you looked at the reflection staring back. I wasn’t at Bondi, Bondi was never this calm and quiet on an afternoon. I walked out into the water as the water was just under my knees. I was in a calm place, Coral Bay to be exact. I suddenly felt a tugging sensation on the fishing rod I had 15 meters out in the water. 

“I’ve got one!” I yelled with surprise, clueless on what to do next.

“Pull it in!” An encouraging voice called from the beach. I started winding the pedal as fast as my arms could move. From what seemed ages winding the line in, a red snapper appeared at the end of the hook. I used my right hand and grabbed hold of the fishing line near the mouth of the snapper as I turned around and ran back to the beach.

“Daddy!” I cried out, “Look what I caught” I giggled as the water flicked up to my thighs as I ran in the water, up to the sand. “Look Dad!” I showed him the fish.

“Thats my girl” He pulled me into a realistic hug which felt like I was hugging a huge fluffy bear.

“Spencer, this is the catch of the day!” He tapped me on my shoulder as I turned to meet Levi. I giggled as everyone was impressed with my effortless actions. “Here” He gestured for the fish as I passed it to him. He grabbed the hook and unhooked the fish with no effort. “Want to kiss it goodbye?” He chuckled. 

“Ew no” I laughed with him, pulling a face. Levi brought the fish up to his face and gave it a peck on the lips. “I’m like gagging right now, you have the fish kiss!” I teased as he gracefully put the fish in the water and looked back up to me with his pouting lips.

“Spencer, let your brother give you a huge kiss on the cheek” he joked as he started running towards me, splashing water as we ran. 

“DAD!” I squealed but it was too late. Levi wrapped his arms around me and planted a huge fishy kiss on my cheek.

“Love you sis” He laughed as Dad walked down and met us on the shore line, laughs and smiles everywhere. Life couldn’t get anymore perfect, but I was wrong. Levi’s became distracted with the person behind me. I turned around to a face with an evil smirk planted on his face.

“Drew” I whispered. Everything was quiet. I couldn’t hear the ocean, birds or mutters from others. It was like time was frozen, but I could hear one things. His voice.

“Oh sweet innocent Spencer” He chuckled, inspecting me, making me feel uncomfortable. 

“Well not so innocent” I shot my head around, nearly snapping it as I my eyes widened to see that Levi made the comment. He looked pleased with it too.

“Spence, I told them everything. How you are a cheating slut” Drew joined Levi as they chuckled at me. I couldn’t think straight. Was this really happening?

“Bbut youu... Ss-slept with Kkk-kristen” I tried to get out, nervousness overcoming me.

“Stuttering are we Spencer? Stutter Spence, remember when that was your nickname? And Drew? He wouldn’t do such a thing” He chuckled with Drew as with sunny day was now fading away. The wind quickened, waves crashed and the bright light became dull. The memories of the nickname came back, but I pushed it to the back of my head because that was the last thing on my mind.

“He’s lying” I shot back to Levi, trying to speak properly so no more comments were made.

“You’re just a skank Spencer” Drew changed the subject off him. Their facials changed as dad spoke up. “Why would you cheat on a guy like Drew for that ‘Taco’ boy Spencer? You are a shame to the family” My own dad? I felt so low as I collapsed to the floor, meeting the sand, tears forming in my innocent eyes. “We never loved you” He added after a silence. My knees came up to a fetus position as my face was dug into my knees and my hands on my ears.

A Mid Summers Dream (bondi rescue)Where stories live. Discover now