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Spencer’s P.O.V 

Today was a huge swell down at Bronte, a good 10ft because of the low that was coming through the Tasman Sea. So it was a great day to go surfing. Levi brought his suitcase inside as I put my bikini on, then my wetsuit. I went down into the garage and got Emily’s and my surfboard. Em wouldn’t mind me borrowing it.

“Hurry up Levi!” I yelled as he was came down with his wetsuit half on like mine. I passed him the board and walked down to the beach and I took a deep breath in. I loved the smell of the ocean. The wind blew my hair all over my face so I tied it up in a ponytail. 

“Spencer!” someone yelled. I turned around to see Jesse and another bloke with him about 50 meters away from me. I walk down to meet them.

“Hey Jess!” I hugged him. 

“Spencer, this is Kobi. He’s also a lifeguard.” Jesse introduced me.

“Hey Kobi.” I waved.

“Guys, this is my older brother Levi, he’s down at Bondi for a couple of days.” I said pointing at Levi.

“Nice to meet ya’s.” Levi shook the boys hand. “Well were about to go out, want to join us?” he asked.

“Yeah mate!” Kobi replied. The boys were already, ready to go in and we put our boards in the sand to pull up our wetsuits.

“You guys go ahead, I just want a quick word with Spencer.” Jesse said as the boys nodded. “Spencer, I know you don’t want to talk about it but I’ve talked to Taco and he’s pretty upset.” he added.

“Well Jesse, has anyone asked me if I’m okay?” I snapped. “ I’ve been screwed over once, and I don’t know what I’ve desvered to get this again. I really loved Taco and I still fucking do. But I can’t face him right now.” I teared up.

“I’m sorry Spencer.” He pulled me into a hug as I cried a bit more. What was I doing?

“I’m sorry I snapped at you Jess, we have these amazing waves so lets just go.” I chuckled. 

“Race ya.” Jesse said starting to run with his board into the water. I caught up and started pushing each other until we reached the cool water that sent tingles down my spine. I’m not the best surfer and the last time I went to surf, I needed stitches so these waves were a tiny bit scary, I wouldn’t let the boys know that though. I paddled out, ducking under the waves and caught up to Jesse and Kobi. There was a few other surfers around but not that many to get in the road of the waves. Levi and I both saw a wave and raced each other to catch it. I pushed hard as Levi pulled out last minute. I went to go stand up but I was cut off by another surfer. I had fallen off the board and got dumped by the waves, spinning me around several times. I swam to the surface and back onto my board. 

“Oi” I yelled at the guy who took my wave. He turned around and started to paddle towards me. “That was my wave!” I sat up on the board as I yelled.

“Dude im so sorry.” He came next to me. “I’m Lachie.” he smiled with her perfect white teeth.

“Spencer” I said back smiling. 

“Well Spencer, I’ll give you this wave.” He turned, pointing at one that was about 8ft. I smiled back and started to paddle. Catching the wave with a perfect execution. After a good 3 hours of stacks, spills, surfs and everything in between we all deiced to come back to Bea’s house for a few drinks. We walked up the sand, I dried off and took a quick instagram pic with all of the boys with the caption ‘Sweet surfs with these lads @jessepolock @kobigraham @viehills’ and posted it. Just as I was about to leave, I heard my name being called.

“Spencer.” It was Lachie. I turned around and started walking towards him.

“Hey Lachie.” He had just came out of the water. He flicked his blonde beach boy hair to the side out of his eyes, his ocean blue ones I may add.

“Can I give you my number?” he panted, putting his board in the sand. I smiled.

“Sure.” I still had my phone in my hand and he put his digits in. I texted him and pressed send.

“and now you have mine too” I smiled. He laughed putting his hand to the back of his head.

“Well the waves are calling see ya Spencer!” he smiled turning around going back into the waves. I walked back to Levi, Jesse and Kobi as they were about to go back to Bea’s.

“Got his number hey?” Levi winked, nudging me.

“Maybe..” I smiled as I packed up my stuff and started walking back home. “Hey Jess,” I caught up to him. “Can you not tell Taco about what happened? Things don’t need to get any worse.” I put on a fake smile. 

“I wont, but don’t you think its too early to start seeing someone?” he asked.

“I’m not going to be ‘seeing’ anyone just yet.”

“Yeah Yeah.” he replied. “Don’t worry, he looked pretty good looking if you ask me. But im stuck with that nutcase called Trent.” He laughed. 

“He is a nutcase isn’t he” I laughed with him.

We got back to Bea’s and went around to her backyard to hose off the boards and ourselves. I went upstairs to wash the beachy smell and sand off me and threw on some shorts and tank top. I walked downstairs and Emily, Bea and Bacon had joined the boys. 

“Who wants what?” I yelled outside for drink orders. I went back inside and got 4 beers, 2 glasses of wine and a lime ice vodka from the fridge. I walked out a few at a time, handing them to their owners and sat down on a chair and joined in the convestation whilst drinking my lime vodka. I checked my instagram photo whilst trying to figure out what they were talking about. 127 likes and 9 comments. I had gained a couple thousand followers after being in multiple photos and videos on Jesse’s, Maxi’s, Kerrbox’s, Bacon’s and Taco’s instagram. I checked my other notifications and I had been tagged in a few photos and videos. Some from the beach, a random selfie I took on some of the boys phones, Kerrbox in the footy gear. I clicked on one video in particular, I walked inside to watch it. It was off Kerrbox singing the Freo song. Then of me.

“I officially have the best girlfriend ever.” said the voice. “No one else could give me this.” Then it went back onto Kerrbox. I replayed the video. Tears streamed down my face, stinging my skin. It hurt to see me that happy. I clicked on Taco’s profile and onto the first photo. It was one of me kissing his cheek with the caption ‘I love this girl’. The tears fell more and more as I saw his face. It hurt so much but went to the next photo. It was off me sleeping on the couch and him in the background. ‘more pizza for me mwahaha,’ I let out a laugh still with my tears running down either side of my face. I run up stairs. I flicked though my contacts until I reached Tacos name. I hesitated to called but I needed to hear his voice again. I was millimeters away from the call button, I had an incoming call from Lachie. 

I hope people are actually enjoying these, sorry if they suck.. Not the best at writing. Anyway I now have a cast for this story so you can put names to faces and ive uploaded a new cover photo for the story, I hope you like that as well! X

And for people asking about how my ankle is going, today I walked on it for the first time in 7 weeks. Hurt alot but I took a few steps and I so happy! Xx 

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