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Taco’s P.O.V ( 3 years later)

I had never spoken to her again. I can barely remember her voice, sent or looks anymore. The memory had slowly faded away as she only kept in touch with Emily and Bacon. Emily, the one who broke it to me about her engagement 9 months ago. It had killed me inside that she could never be mine again. I slowly but steadily started to get over her, but the littlest things would trigger a memory from 3 years ago. I now have Anna who would get my mind of things when they got to breaking point. I may like Anna, but part of my still loves her.

“Tower to Rhino” My thoughts were interrupted by the crackling radio. 

“Go ahead” I replied looking out to the water.

“I’d just go in and see if the young girl in the yellow is alright” Whippet said as I scanned the water and spotted a girl stuck in backpackers rip. I removed my shirt and grabbed the board and ran in just like the same old rescue.

Spencer’s P.O.V

I had never spoken to him again. I can barely remember his voice, sent or looks anymore. The memory had slowly faded away as I only kept in touch with Emily and Bacon. I’m now engaged to Drew when he proposed 9 months ago. I assumed Emily had told all the boys about it. I miss them alot. Maxi, Jesse, Mouse, Deano, Hoppo and the rest. Drew and I are still going strong. I moved in with him once we got together. I love Drew, he would get my mind of things when they got to breaking point, but part of my still loves him.

“I don’t want you to leave” Drew slid his arms around my waist and kiss my cheek.

“It’s only 1 week, I promise. You could of come but--- Yeah, yeah I know, blame Em for making her wedding day on the same week for surfing nationals.” Drew interrupted me, shaking his head from side to side.

“Yes blame Emily” I giggled as I turned around after zipping up the suitcase to put my arms around him.

“No I’m blaming you. You were the one who promised her that you would be there” A smile crept over his mouth.

“Sorry” I whispered as kissed him. Whilst keeping the kiss, he spun me around and pinned me to the wall.

“What’s going to happen when you see Taco again?” He pulled back as the question had lingered in his mind for a while now. I hadn’t heard his name being said out loud for a while now.

“I probably won’t even talk to him Drew, nothing to worry about” I reassured him, nothing was going to happen. He pulled me into another kiss and I pulled away shortly after.

“I would love to kiss you forever Dee but my flight awaits” He giggled as he took my suitcase in on hand and my hand in the other and placed the suitcase in the boot. I slipped into the passenger seat and held onto one of Drew’s hands. A week was too long without him but I secretly couldn’t wait to see Emily and be back in my old house for the seven days. I was looking forward to be at the beach again with the fresh wind and to see my boys. I wanted to see my beautiful best friend in her wedding dress and me in my brides maid dress which I had no idea what was going to look like. To every pro, there must be a con. Weather I liked it or not I had to see Adrian again. I know he would be invited but I hoped not. Like I said to Drew, I want to stay away from him because who knows what will happen if I don’t? We arrived at the airport as we checked in and made my way to departure gates.

“Jetstar Flight, JT9427 to Sydney is now ready for boarding” The lady said over the PA. I turned to Drew as he held me in a long embrace which I didn’t want to let go.

“Kick ass at nationals please” I requested as I looked up to his defined face.

“Just for you” He kissed my lips and we grew apart. “Love you Beautiful” he waved as I got my ticket scanned.

“Love you too” I blew a kiss and boarded the tight spaced plane.


“SPENCER!” I heard my name being called. I walked out of the hall to see my best friend 20 meters away.

“EMILY!” I ran as I jumped onto her. “IT”S BEEN TOO LONG” 

“I KNOW, I KNOW” We squealed. Our joys were interrupted by a coughing sound coming from Bacon. 

“Hello my darling Bacon, I did not forget about you I promise” I smiled as he broke out of his serious face and hugged me.

“Missed you Spencer, I’ve had to put up with her girl talk for the past couple of years” He joked, giving Em a side hug.

“Missed you too Adriel” I winked. “Hey, you took time out of work for me” Bacon was still wearing his work clothes and it was 2 in the arvo.

“Well does that mean you will come by to see some of the guys” He put on puppy dog eyes as we made our way to the car.

“Oh I must see my Maxi” I laughed.

“Yeah, he misses you. So do the rest of the boys” Emily commented. “But HEY, show me the ring Spence” She brought up out of the blue. I pulled my seatbelt forward and lent towards the front. “It’s beautiful.” She admired the Emerald ring. Emerald’s were always my favourite stone.

“Well I can’t wait to see your wedding rings” I sat back and gestured to both of them.

“Oh that reminds me Spence, you have to try on the dress tomorrow” Em turned around and winked. 

“Okay” I smirked as I quickly texted Drew that I had arrived. We rocked up to Bondi Beach as nerves filled me. Will the boys still like me? We weren’t staying for long so if things got heated, we could leave. I slowly opened the back door and walked up the stairs. I tip toed behind Maxi and put my hands over his eyes.

“Guess who” I spoke as he turned around as fast a lightening and picked me up.

“SPENCER!” He yelled as he hugged me tight. He pulled back and had a good look at me. “You have changed alot Spence, In a good way” It was true, looking back to the fetus photos of me years ago I had (1) died my hair so it was a light brown and grew it out so it almost touches my bum when down, (2) My teeth deiced to look alot nicer than before, (3) I had become more tanned due to me being constantly at the beach and (4) my boobs finally deiced to grow. One by one the boys came around and hugged me, saying how much they missed me and then saying it in return. We were doing a quick catch up before something stopped us.

“Taco to Tower” His voice crackled over the radio as I froze. All the eyes were on me as he spoke. 

“Go ahead” Deano finally replied after a few awkward seconds. 

“A north westerly is coming in, I’ve already had my first few victims of the blue bottles”

“Thank Tac, just send them up”

“Sweet” He replied as reality hit me.

Okay I am sorry about the huge jump in time, I felt it was necessary but yeah. Sorry :/
and is anyone still enjoying these or are they just getting annoy? ugh idk xx

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