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Spencer’s P.O.V

Taco had work this morning because it was going to be a busy day. I had woken up and deiced I would run down to Bondi later on. But first I really wanted to go into Sydney and do something active today. I rang up and hired a studio for an hour to practice some of my pointe that I’m not allowed to do. It’s been 3 years now since the incident  and I have been training so not much could go wrong. I put on my 3- quarter leggings and my crop top on which I used to dance in. I got my bag and put my purse and phone into it. I dug around my unpacked suitcase from when I arrived in Sydney and found my worn pointe shoes at the bottom and chucked them into my bag and grabbed the keys and drove into Sydney. I got a little lost but found my way for my 1pm using time. I paid the money and was walked into a huge room. On one side it had a mirror running from either ends of the room and the other had a railing to hold onto. In the corner had an iPod dock and I put my iTunes on shuffle to warm up. ‘roar’ by Katy Perry came on as I was tying my shoes. I did my 20 minute warm up and put some classical music on. The nutcracker came on. When I was younger, I had perfected the dance. I googled it on youtube to go over the moves and the steps came back easily. It felt good to be back on my toes and doing the perfect Pirouette. My hour was up in a flash and I went down into a little sushi bar for lunch down the street. I sat on the stool eating my chicken sushi and I thinking that I really did miss ballet. I got all my stuff and made my way home around 3. 

I was gonna run down to Bondi so I had a shower and I put on my black nike shorts with a green sports bra and matching nike shoes. I when I started running a few years back, I had this obsession with nike and brought all of the gear and I only use a limited amount of it, great way to waste money Spencer. Anyways I got my phone and had a text from Taco about him having my freo stuff for Kerrbox. I tied my hair up into a high pony tail and grabbed my iPhone, earphones and armband to put my phone in whilst I ran to some music. I tied my zip up hoodie around my waist, I went through to my running music and off I went. I took a 3km route which took a little longer than the usual five minute run. I had ‘Eye of the tiger’ as I arrived at the tower. I put my hoodie on and zipped it half way and knocked on the door.

“Spencer!” Bisho answered. I was getting good at names now.

“Hey Bisho! Lovely to see you.” I hugged him and walked in. Maxi, Reidy, Mouse, Bisho, Harries and Kerrbox were in the tower. They all looked at Kerrbox as I walked in.

“Spence! Come here darling!” He stood up with his arms out as I walked over and hugged him.

“Oh I missed you Maxi!”

“I missed you too Spencer!” I pulled from the hug. Maxi passed me the bag with the clothes in it and said a quick hello to all of the boys until I got to Kerrbox. 

“Hello Boxey” I said hugging him from behind.

“Hello Spencer” he replied in a dull voice.

“Guess what I have for you!” I put the plastic bag in front of him.  He let out a huge sigh. “Don’t worry” I lightly hit Kerrbox’s back “You’ll look great in purple!” All of the boys laughed as he made his way out to get dressed.

“Tower to Jesse, Whippet and Taco. Get your phones ready because Kerrbox is getting ready now.” Harries said over the radio. The boys came from different sides of the beach and made their way to the tower. It was nearly 4 so the beach wasn’t too busy. I gave Taco a quick kiss and Jesse and Whip a hug as the came up the stairs. We all walked out leaving Bisho and Reidy to man the tower. Kerrbox was standing there looking mortified in the Jersey which was way to small for him, a beanie and a freo flag. I was right, he really did look good in purple. We walked up the prom a bit to where is was busy. They had a few fans walking up the them and taking the quick photo or two because they were still in uniform. We had made a huge circle and all had our phones out recording Kerrbox. I got the lyrics up on his phone and he started singing 

“Freo, way to hit em real hard send em down below, oh, freo give them a ol’ heave ho! We are the freo dockers!” 

“Oh I love winning.” I smiled to Taco. We had started quiet a big circle now and people started to video him more. All of the boys were pissing themselves laughing. Taco was recording him then put the camera onto me. 

“I officially have the best girlfriend ever. I don’t think anyone else could give me this.” Then he put the camera back onto Kerrbox. Once he had finished the song he yelled out.

“I’M A SWANNIES BOY BUT I LOST MY BET TO HER!” he pointed to me making the crowd laugh. 

“Up the dockers!” I yelled back walking over to him and giving boxy a hug.

“You did well.” I said to him.

“Never making a bet with you again!”

“Good!” I laughed walking back to Taco so we could go back to the tower. We deiced that he has to do the second half of the bet another busier day. 

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