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“You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.” 

-Jodi Picoult

7 months later.

I remembered my first Chemotherapy session months ago. I was told I was a strong girl and I was going to push though all of this. Maybe thats what they tell all of their patents because looking back at it now,

They were wrong.

I was admitted to the hospital for the first time just under two months ago after becoming light headed and falling into one of my seizures again. I was allowed to go back home but I always found myself back there for a different reason each time.

The boys were broke. I remember than day like it was just yesterday. It was the day after my first Chemo session I wait forced against my own will to tell them. 

It killed me just as much too.

Some were teary, others jaws were wide open but Maxi’s caught me off guard.

He was expressionless. 

I remember him storming out of the tower and I found my feet following him to wherever he was going.

“Maxi!” I shouted. “Please Trent!” I pulled his arm and turn him around to meet his glossy eyes.

“I can’t loose my bestie” he practically chuckled though his sniffles. I pulled him into a hug. I mentally stabbed myself a million times for the pain I was causing him.

“I’m not going anywhere” I muttered into his ear. “I promise you”

I felt bad for making those promises, but thats what they say;

‘promises are made to be broken’

Emily made sure we hung out whenever I was free. She took me places even though my energy was slowly draining. But only a month ago, Em called me up, begging me to go out with her that day even though I was about to pass out with my ‘lack of sleep’. 

“You wont regret it” I remember her explaining to me in over the phone..

Boy, that was one of the best days I’ve ever had with her.

“A ride fit for a princess” She joked, whipping out a wheel chair decorated in purple streamers and gems. I chuckled at her efforts but I had to ask, “why a wheelchair?”

“You and your complaining thats why!” She joked grabbing my hand and pulling me into her car. “And chuck this on while your at it” She kept her eyes on the road, waiting for the rain to pelt down any minute. I laughed at the sight of my old football jersey that was scrunched up in the plastic bag. I unzipped my black jumper and threw it over the top my white long sleeve. 

“And I got you this too” She stopped at red light and she quickly drug though her bag, pulling out 2 purple bandannas. “One for you and one for me.”

“Soul Sisters” I laughed tying it around my head where my long, light brown waves used to be. Emily attempted to put hers on but the light changed colour so she placed it on her lap. We arrived at Allianz Stadium just beating the rain on the cold winters day. Both of us ordered our food and drinks and I sat back down in the wheelchair so Emily could keep pushing me. Once we hit the corridor before the stairs, the speed demon Emily is, she started to run and make car sounds. We reached our block in a fit of laughter and parked the wheelchair and walked up the stairs to our seats which were luckily undercover. Earning a few sympathetic stares from people still made me uncomfortable because the cancer was now showing on the outside with my hairless head. I sighed and sat down in the flip seats and just enjoyed the game which I dearly missed with my best friend.

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