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Spencer’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with Taco’s arms wrapped right around me. I was no stranger to what today was, it was Levi’s funeral. I think I may of woken up Taco as I squirmed out of his arms and into the kitchen. Kristen was laying on the couch, eating her cereal watching I assumed last nights episode of Home and Away.

“Hey Kristie” I walked over to the couch as she moved her legs so I could sit.

“Hey Spence” she hugged me, crossing her legs and faced me on an angle. “You ready for today?” I started to get teary.

“Kkkristie” I tied to keep the tears in. “I’m not ready to say goodbye” I cried.

“Neither am I beautiful” she rubbed my back. “But we need to get ready because we leave in 2 hours, you have the first shower” She smiled to me as I walked into the bathroom. I turned the hot water on and let the steam fill the room. I stripped down and hopped into the warm shower. 

“Why?” I muttered. More tears kept coming, luckily you couldn’t hear them over the shower. I sat down on the shower floor and sobbed for which seemed a while. I noticed my skin went a bit wrinkly so it indicated that I should get out. I dried off and put my warm dressing gown on and walked into my room to see a very tied Taco.

“G’morning” I said as I went though my suit case to get out my hair straighter and make up.

“Morning Beautiful” He stood up and hugged me. 

“I need to go get ready” I kissed him on the cheek and went into the bathroom. I started with my hair and straightened it so it was long enough to go over my boobs and half way down my back. I put my hairband on, to keep my hair out of my face as I did basic make up. I used my foundation to cover the dark, sleepless circles under my eyes, a light blue eye shadow with some water-proof mascara to finish the simple look. I took out the head band and went back into my room.

“Jesus you took forever” Taco smiled with his towel about to have his shower.

“It takes long to look this nice” I winked as he walked out of the room. I went into the cupboard and got out my dress that I was dreading wearing. It was a stunning strapless, light blue dress, a little longer than mid thigh which had a thin silver belt to go with it. I pulled it up and zipped up the zip and put on my silver heels. I still had my ‘Spencer’ necklace on from the pervious day, so I put on my pandora bracelet which was on my bedside table. I walked over to the mirror and straightened out the dress and sighed, walking into the kitchen. I sat down with my phone and had a quick check up on everything to calm me down. I firstly went onto twitter to see that I had heaps of tweets I was mentioned in. I gotten ‘I hope your okay’ ones from all of the boys and some fans. I went onto facebook next and it was the same thing, but more with my friends and family. Two arms slid around my fragile body and kissed my cheek. I turned to see a very handsome looking Taco in long black pants and a blue shirt rolled up to his elbows.

“You look amazing Spencer” His eyes widened.

“So do you” I smiled kissing him on the lips. 

“Ready to go?” We were interrupted by Kristen coming out of the hallway in a long, dark blue dress. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. She was in the same state as I and has stay so strong. I pulled back and put my hands on her shoulders.

“You look beautiful Kristen” I looked down and she was still wearing her engagement ring. “Levi would agree with me” She smiled as I said his name. 

“Thank you” she barely whispered and we walked to her car. It was a silent trip to the church, but wasn’t a long one. We got out of the car and I held onto Taco’s arm for dear life. 

“Taco, I’m going to pass out” I gasped as my head felt light. He turned around to face me and held my sweaty hands.

“You can do this Spence, do it for Levi” I took a big deep breath in and out and kept on walking in. It was lovely to see that everyone was dress in Levi’s favourite colour, blue. They were sitting down in their seats, whispering to each other. I made my way to the front row sitting in between Taco and Kristen. Dave, Drew and some of Levi’s surfing buddies were in that isle. I put my stuff down and stood up to join mum at Levi’s coffin. I braced myself for all emotions to come flowing back. I put my arm around mum and looked over to see a peaceful Levi, sleeping in his Led Zeppelin shirt and angel necklace.

“They wanted him in a suit.” Mum struggled to get out. “But would of wanted this” she tried to put on a smile. I couldn’t bare to look at him anymore and sat back down next to Taco. He took my hand and rubbed it as the ceremony started. 

“Welcome family and friends of Levi Hill. Today we will be celebrating Levi’s life and how he has effected us all in his 22 years of living” said the priest. He spoke a bit more before Kristie was going to speak.

“Good luck” I whispered as she made her way to the lectern. She took a deep breath in and started her speech.

“Levi Hills is the most craziest, obnoxious and laziest person you would ever meet. But he is also the sweetest, caring and the love of my life. I meet Levi when I was 15 and he was 16. It only feels like yesterday when that new kid took my heart back in year 10. There was a thing about Levi in which I couldn’t quite figure out and it intrigued me. We should of been getting married in a few months but Levi will always have my heart” Kristie spoke some more, then followed by mum, Drew and a slide show of photos of him, family trips, cute photos with Kristen and random selfies of us. It was full of laughs and cries as we touched upon moments we cherished with Levi.

“and for our final speech, Spencer Hill would you like to come forward?” I stood up and everyone was patting my back and wishing me good luck. I barely made it to the lectern without tripping over because my legs felt like jelly. I unfolded the paper with my very shaky hands and looked up to the room full of people.

“We all know that saying, there is no ‘I’ in ‘Team’” I started “Well that was Levi and I’s motto in our life. We were a team, we stuck up from each other, helped each other out and tried to be the best siblings we could ever be, even though we had our ups and downs, I still loved him. Levi was someone who lived on the edge. He moved out when he was 18, the police all knew him for good and bad reasons and I was extremely lucky to have someone like Levi in my life.” I started choking up. “Y-you don’t realised how much you miss someone until they have gone forever. I’m still waiting for Levi to sit up and say ‘guess what bitches, i’m back’ and this this all be a joke, but its not. So we should remember Levi as this kick ass guy who didn’t give a care what people thought about him and will be up there chilling with dad, looking down at us and protecting his little sister and mum.” I smiled wiping the tears from my eyes and walking back to the seat with Taco and Kristie as people clapped.

“You did great” Taco whispered into my ear.

“Thanks” I smiled, giving him a peck.

The funeral had finished 5 minutes after and we were taken outside to the cemetery for him to be buried. We said our final words to Levi and I took one last glance at my once full of life brother as they closed the coffin and lowered it into the ground.

“Goodbye isn’t forever but its good enough for now. Rest in Peace Levi Hills” I said to everyone.

“Rest in Peace Levi” They all said back as he was now buried next to dad.


OMG How the heck did I get over 100+ reads and 20 votes over night? Now at 1000 reads and so over the moon! Thankyouthankyouthankyou xoxoxo

I needed to get this outa the way and might upload tomorrow but Big Brother FInale is on! xx

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