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Spencer P.O.V

It was a week after his death and it was the same routine over and over. Wake up, cry, eat, cry, Taco treatment, cry and sleep. I felt bad that he had to put up with me this whole time. I woke up at 8:30am and walked into the kitchen, Kristen was already out because she was organizing Levi’s funeral with mum. My job was to do the little things like get the photos and songs together. I ate my vegemite toast as I realised I wasn’t in Perth for much longer so I’d make it count while it lasts.

“Hey” Taco walked out in with his bed hair.

“Hi” I smiled putting another pice of toast in my mouth.

“How are you feeling today?” He asked in his morning voice. He lent over the kitchen bench, opposite from me.

“Fine” I turned on my phone and checked the temperature for today. 32 and sunshine. Thank God it was hot today. “I have a surprise for you” 

“What have I done to deserve a surprise?” he smiled, walking around the bench and kissing my neck.

“Everything, I couldn’t of gone though this week without you” I turned around kissing his lips. He pulled away,

“Well what is it?” he asked.

“It wouldn’t be a surprise then.” I smiled back. “Just wear your boardies and a shirt and be ready in 30 minutes” I kissed his cheek and jumped into the shower and put my red triangle bikini on with some shorts and an american flag tank top. I let my hair down and grabbed my blue and yellow beach bag and stuck my wallet, towels and phone in it. I got my sunnies and put them on top of my head then walked out to the kitchen to see an an anxious Taco, wanting to find out where we were going.

“So?” he asked

“Lets go” I grabbed his hand and walked to the car that was park outside.

“Are we going to the beach?” He asked turning up the radio.

“You’ll see” I winked. After a 20 minute drive we turned up to a place where Taco hadn’t been before.

“Um?” He looked confused.

“Fremantle Port” I smiled. “Go pay for an all day parking and I’ll meet you back here” 

“Okay” We got out of the car and went separate ways. I went over to the ticket bay.

“Two adult tickets please” I said to the man.

“$240 please” He said back. I dug though my bag and got out my purse to find my savings card. I paid and got my two tickets. “next trip is in 10 minutes.” He smiled as I walked away back to Taco who was waiting by the car. I showed him the tickets.

“Rottnest Express.” A smile overcome his face. “No freaking way” he kissed me. “you are the best” I laughed

“I know” We walked over to the boat and boarded on the two story thing. We sat down inside and were on our 30 minute boat trip to Rottnest Island. We rocked up at Thompson Bay and got off the ferry. 

“This is amazing” He grabbed my hand and walked down the long jetty. The fresh salty air felt amazing on my skin. We went down to the prom and he followed me to the locker area and got a password and chucked my bag in there and stripped down into my bikini.

“Jesus your perfect” he told me. I rolled my eyes as Taco took off his shirt to show his bare, tanned chest. ‘No Mr Kovacic, your perfect’ I thought to myself. We made out way down to a little shack just on the beach and saw a long haired man with a strong aussie accent.

“Hey mates, what can I do for you?” he asked.

“Pick up for Spencer Hill” I told him, Taco gave me this strange look.

“Okay Spence, come round the back” We walked around the shack and passed Taco and I two billabong surfboards. Taco’s eyes widened as I passed him the board. We walked down to the shore and Taco looked upset.

“Where are the waves?” He asked, looking out to the flat water. I ran into the water and started paddling out.

“300 meters out, to your left” I yelled as he joined me. We raced 250 meters until Taco stopped.

“Shit” he looked at me.

“Adrian, welcome to Transit” I paddled into the waves. Transits is a shallow part of the water where the 6-12ft waves go parallel to the Island for about 30 meters which don’t break too much. Transits wasn’t too busy so it was perfect to catch some good waves. We paddled out into position and started to paddle hard, determined to catch this wave. I stood up as I was on the wave and lost my footing and fell. I tumbled a few times and came back to the surface to see Taco pissing himself laughing.

“Good one Spence” He laughed paddling out to catch the next wave. He caught it, stood up and executed the wave perfectly.

“Thats how you do it” He got back onto his board and flicked his dark hair.

“Yeah yeah” I winked, turning around to get the next wave.

Transits is the photo to your right xo

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