
911 13 2

Spencer’s P.O.V

“Wake up Beautiful” a small trail of kisses were planted along my neck and cheek. I rolled over and groaned.

“It’s 9:30 Taco” I pulled the covers back over my head, “Let me sleep” Mumbling into the pillow.

“Spencer please, I have our whole day planned” He pleaded. I let out another loud groan and flipped the covers above me.

“Better be worth it” I chuckled, flipping my legs out of his bed and into the bathroom. The cool tiles on the floor felt nice against my warm feet, stepping into the shower. My laziness over took me and was not bothered to wash my hair. I let out a sigh, turning the taps off and reaching for a towel. I deiced on a simple blue dress with tiny birds cloned over the fitted at the waist dress. I tied the straight hair behind me and into a ponytail and slipping on my white sandals. Skipping down the hall, I reached Taco’s living room as he was sat on the couch watching last nights episode of Home and Away. Clearing my throat, Taco turned around and his eyes lit up like a christmas tree.

“Jesus Christ you are beautiful” He strolled over to my presence as a blush rose upon my cheeks, kissing my lips.

“Can you hurry up and tell me where we are going?” I asked impatiently, pouting. 

“Not just yet, its a surprise” He smirked, grasping my hand and pulling me into the carport as I let out a sigh.

I hate surprises.

Of course the drive had to be in the freaking bush, 2 hours out of Sydney. I started to grow impatient but Taco knew how to get my mind of the long drive.

Blasting the Justin Timberlake.

“How much longer” I wined, folding my arms.

“Just down this road a little longer, but God you are impatient.” He rolled his eyes. “You are lucky I love you” letting out a chuckle, placing his hand on my thigh.

“I love you too” I gave in, entwining out fingers together. A short amount of time passed as the scenery became breathtaking. Beautiful green trees brushed past the car windows as we headed deeper into the forest. Taco stopped the car and I let myself out straight away partly to stretch but mostly to take in the vibrant colours of the flowers. Taco re-connect our touch again and lead me further down the not so worn grass until we reached the place that caused my jaw to drop.

"Welcome to hell"

“Iit’s bb-beautiful” I stuttered, embracing the crystal blue lake that laid in front of my eyes. This was far from my thought of hell, if this was it i would never want to leave.

“You think so?” He turned to meet my eyes. “I found it with my family when we got lost from our road trip, they never come down anymore” I was lost for words, literally, I couldn’t speak. “You are also the first person I’ve taken out here” His eyes moved to his feet, like he was almost ashamed of it.

“Hey” I lifted my chin up to meet his glance again. “I’m honored” I chuckled, giving a quick peck on his lips. We walked up to the crease of the lake, looking down at the clear reflection in the water.

“It’s so clear, I can see every flaw though this” I spoke, splashing the water to cause ripples in the reflection (A/N like when Zac Efron does it in HSM2 ;) ). A tight brace was formed around my body now showing two faced in the water.

“You have no flaws Spencer, none at all” He sighed. This all reminded me of Melbourne and looking into the mirror that time. Taco was always that form of positivity in my life which I needed all those years. He knows how to make you feel special and thats all I need in life. Without him, I am incomplete.

“So, I need you to put this on” Taco pulled out a bandanna and I exchanged him a confused look. “Here, for you eyes” he chuckled as the realization hit me. I let him tighten the blindfold around my head and help me up.

“Do you trust me?” He whispered into my ear, sending good chills down my spine. 

“In some circumstances” I chuckled, earning one from him.

“What about right now?” He asked, leading me parallel to the water.

“I do” I muttered as we walked along the grass. I was lead onto a rocky object which I was instructed to sit down and wait.

“Can I take it off now?” I begged. 

“Sure” he spoke as I slowly took the blindfold bandanna of my head an once again, I wasn’t disappointed. 

“Impressed?” Taco asked, using his tones arms to paddle out with two oars.

“Extremely” I said looking around. We were out of a tiny white paddle boat in the lake whilst the warm sun shone down on us. “This is perfect Taco” 

“Dad brought mum this boat a few months after discovering this place, he used to take us out all the time but now its just docked and never used” he sighed.

This reminded me all too much of the Notebook. Cliche? I think not.

“Whats so funny?” He asked, not realising that I was laughing at my thoughts.

“This reminds me alot of the Notebook thats all” I smiled, only if this was like the movies. Everything would go perfect, be perfect. He let out a kept in laugh and gosh it was nice to hear it. That and the sound of the birds in the trees and the ripples of the water as we paddled, mixed with the silence was perfect.

“I love you Spencer Hills, you are the definition of perfection” With his tone, I could tell he meant it which caused millions of butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

“I love you too Adrian Kovacic, for entirety”

“For entirety” he repeated flashed his infamous smile which made me fall a little harder for him if that was even possible.

Seconds turned to minutes which turned into hours as we had lied down next to each other like that scene in twilight, entwining our fingers and embracing every touch. We didn’t arrive home until late but Taco was kind enough to order in a pizza whilst I showered and put my soft pyjamas on. Because I didn’t do it this morning, washing my hair sounded like a lovely idea. Running my hand though my damp hair, a whole heap of hair hand fallen onto my fingers. Confused, I flicked back to the mirror and noticed a whole patch of hair was missing.

“No, no, no, no, no, no” I muttered trying to backtrack the past couple days events to find a perfect excuse for this. 


Tears threatened to spill because it was obvious what was happening, but I refused to let it be true. A soft knock at the bathroom door put myself out of panic as his calm voice soothed me. “Are you alright Spence? He asked. 


“Yes Adrian, I’ll be out in a moment” I lied. God please let there be an explanation for this.


Olla everyone who still reads this!

Guess what I was forced against my will to do today,


6km on the freaking beach like who the hell does that? I practically became a ball of sweat and unattractiveness as I ran past decent looking blokes. 

Well I just wanted to thank Riylee for being a swell person and abistarxoxo for understanding my extreme desperate feels atm for that one curly haired boy which I shall never speak off.


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