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Spencer’s P.O.V

I had regretted texting Taco after reality hit me. But the things he wrote, like why are boys so confusing? Emily came home 2 hours later with a car load of groceries and a few bags with ‘spendless shoes’ written on the front.

“I brought you these, they had your name written all over it” She smiled passing me one of those bags. I opened it to see a pair of black tie up heels in my size.

“You didn’t have to do that!” I hugged Emily. She was from a rich background and she loves buying me things with her money she has more than enough to spend on.

“But they were legit yelling SPENCER at me, they would look perfect that black dress you brought in Melbourne for dinner tonight.” She smiled.

“Tonight?” I asked.

“Do you have other plans?” Emily put the milk in the fridge and frowned.

“Well,” I started. “I texted Taco to meet up at 8. We could be 2 minutes or 2 hours, I don’t know”

“Oh, well do you want too meet up or just out of sympathy?” I didn’t want to tell her about the card.

“I just need to clear the air, god knows whats going to happen.” My message tone went off after that, it was from Maxi. I slid to open my phone and opened the full message. ‘So you did read it, he hasn’t stopped smiling since he got that text. You know he really does care’ I let out a sigh.

“Whats wrong?” Emily asked.

“Nothing.” I put on a smile and walked up to my room. I lied on my back on my bed, looking at my screen.

‘Its just meeting up, still don’t know how its going to go :-/’ I sent that off to Maxi. There was a knock at my door.

“Can I come in?” said the voice.

“Sure” Levi walked in. I stood up giving him a hug. “I’m gonna miss you so much” 

“I’m going to miss you too, ya sped” I started to tear up. He pulled back and put his hands on my shoulders and I put on a sad face. “Its not for long though, you’ll be home soon” Yeah, home. I let out a groan. “Hey but there is one thing I want to do before my flight tonight.” He went into his back pocket and got out a set of keys. He passed them to me and I looked at them again.

“I completely forgot.” I gasped looking at the keyring with our family photo. 

“We can leave in 20 minutes, I need to be at the airport at 3.” 

“okay” I said as he walked out closing the door. I had a quick shower to freshen up and put on a banana dress that i’ve had forever and tied my hair into a high bun. I grabbed my glasses and the keys and walked downstairs. 

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yep” I grabbed my thongs on the way out and we got into a taxi.

“3 Notts Ave please” Levi said to the man. It wasn’t a long drive, maybe 10 minutes but we didn’t have the time to walk. We turned up to a two story modern looking apartment, Bondi Beach was just across the road. We got out and I put the key into the lock, twisted the knob and opened the door. I felt cold as I stepped inside. I walked in and there was a lounge room, prefect size, not to big but not to small. There was a kitchen connected and a dining table. Also a room with a bathroom.

“Wow” I muttered looking around.

“Want to go upstairs?” I nodded and walked up the stairs. It was dads room. It still had our family photos, photos of mum, Levi and I. I picked one up that was in a frame of dad and I on our fishing trip in 06 with Levi photo bombing in the background. 

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