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Spencer's P.OV

It was a Wednesday night around 6ish and Taco told me to come down to the tower. I'd thought I'd be funny and wear my Freo scarf around the promenade, even though it was practly covered in Red and white. I got to the tower and I knocked twice then Maxi got the door.  

"Spencer my darling!" He came and gave me a hug and then bringing me Into the tower and there they were. Over their blue lifeguard shirts, they had the Sydney Swans jersey over the top and started singing the theme song at the top of their lungs. 


"Guys please stop embarrassing yourselves, i wouldn't want to be singing the losing teams song." I eyed the boys up and down. 

"Spencer, you are right 99% of the time, but you are wrong about Freo winning this weekend." Taco added whilst all the boys laughed high fiving each other. 

"Okay then, who has enough balls to bet on it?" I asked. No one stood up. 

"I will" I saw Kerrbox come to stand in front of me. 

"On ya box." The boys were saying. 

"20 bucks to the winner?" He asked putting his hand out for me to shake. 

" oh no, when you bet for Footy, you do it the right way." Kerrbox gulped as the tower went quiet.  

" Loser has to dress up in the winning teams stuff and sing its theme song at the promenade and over the speakers at the beach." I had made my offer putting my hand out. "Deal?" The boys were ooing to see what Box was going to do. "Second guessing your team Box?" 

"No! Deal." Box shook my hand. I smirked at all of the boys. 

"UP THE MIGHTY DOCKERS!" I yelled waving my scarf as I left the tower. 

"Western Australians," I heard Dunno say as I closed the door, which it made me laugh. Taco came out a few minutes later.  

"That is why I like you miss hill." He laughed giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "But you singing the Sydney song would make a great youtube video." 

"Ohh, we'll see about that. I laughed as taco had spun me around so his arms were around me. We decided on Hungry Jacks take out to bring back to my house to share with Emily, Bea and Bacon,who wasnt at work today. Bacon had also got Emily some tickets but they weren't leaving until Thursday night. As we got home Emily and Bacon were sitting on the couch watching Big Brother as Emily was asleep. But I was wrong. 

"I smell HJ's." she said, leaping out of Bacon's lap to the table were we have put the food on.  

"One Bacon delux Burger meal with a diet coke for you." I gave to Em whilst Taco and Bacon were doing that whole bro hug thing. " and one large stunner meal with a coke." I said passing it to Bacon.  

"Thank you spencer, hey I just got a text from Whippet telling me about this bet you made with ol' Box hey," he said nudging me. "But it's a shame you will lose." Taco and Bacon laughed. 

" I'm sorry to say boys, but Freo will win." I heard a voice coming down the stairs.  

"Bea! Your back!" I cried going and giving her a hug.  

"I know! So happy to be home as well." She laughed coming down and getting her meal. We all sat down watching the big brother finale. 

"$10 okay that Tim will win." Taco said putting a bet on one of the people on the screen. 

"I like Tim but Tathan will win. 10 bucks." I added, having a good feeling she will win. 

"Um what are you lot talking about? Drew all the way. 10 bucks he wins." Emily said.  

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