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Spencer’s P.O.V

The excitement filled me, fourteen-freaking-hours-until-catching-fire. Hoppo deiced to tell me that all of the boys were invited to be guests at the red carpet premier in Sydney. Few of the actors were going to be there but I haven't been told who. The past 24 hours, Emily and I were hurrying around to find a nice dress to wear because it stated ‘formal’. I was down with going in my team Peeta shirt and being sweet but I needed to dress nice. I was enjoying my breakfast and got a firm knock on the door. I put the bowl of cornflakes on the bench and walked over to the door, opening it.

“Morning Spence” Emily walked in.

“Hey Hey Em, how are we?” I asked her as I continued eating my cornflakes.

“Good, um I wanted to talk to you about something important” She said putting the kettle on for a coffee.

“Okay” I was starting to get worried.

“About Bacon and I, did you really mean that we were taking things too far? I really do love the kid and would get married to him” These were one of those things I didn’t want to deal with, but i’m her best friend so I kinda have to.

“Emily, you are almost 19 and been dating Bacon for a little over 3 months now. I know he’s that little older than you but you should do it when you are comfortable to do it but I’ll support you any way.” I blurted out. Emily smiled and hugged me. 

“Thank you Spencer” I was kinda shocked with her reaction, I thought she would get all pissy. “How are you and Tac’s going anyway, any more sex?” she winked and I nearlly spilt my cereal.

“Um No” I laughed. “But we are going good, he’s going to be picking me up at 8:30 so we can go to tonight.” I looked at Em and we both just started to jumped around squealing. 


“2 FREAKING YEARS” I yelled back. I had never been this excited for anything, well apart from justin timberlake but this comes very close. Emily left around 1 and I still had 5 hours to kill. I deiced to put on my nike shoes and sport shorts and go for a run. I grabbed my phone and armband to put my phone in, I untangled the bloody earphones and put my music on shuffle. Wrecking Ball, nope change that. The next song that came on was Matt Corby Resolution, perfect. I walked out the door and started my long run to where ever my feet took me. I started at Bondi Beach then past Tama and Bronte after 2kms. I wasn’t tied so I kept on running into Clovelly bay, which was another 3kms. I deiced to push myself a bit more and get to Coogee Bay. I had all up ran about 7ishks. I stopped in a tiny cafe and brought myself a bottle of water, bracing myself for the run home. I arrived home, just killing under 2 hours. I had gotten a bit tired a fell asleep on the couch, whilst watching some Glee. I was woken by my phone vibrating in my shorts. It was a text from Emily.

‘How are you wearing your hair?’ Shit I looked at the time, 7:45. I had no time to reply and hurried upstairs for a quick shower. I only had 45 minutes to get ready so I just re-straightened my hair and did basic make up. As I was about to slip on my dress, there was a knock at the door. 

“TACO” I yelled from upstairs, hoping he would hear.

“SPENCER, YOU OKAY?” he yelled back.

“I’M FINE TACO, CAN YOU PLEASE JUST LET YOURSELF IN WITH THE KEY!” I didn’t hear what he said back but I zipped up my long red strapless dress, put on my black heels and a few accessories. I got my black Kardashian clutch and put my phone and a few tissues in it, knowing I would need them and hurried downstairs.

“Late as always” Taco joked. I playfully punched his arm. “Did I say late? I meant beautiful as always” he smiled kissing me.

“Better” I winked as I got my clutch and got into a limo which was waiting for us with Emily, Bacon, Maxi and Jesse inside. I didn’t really have the time to look but now I realised that Taco was wearing a suit. May I repeat Taco is wearing a suit. Suits must be the sexiest thing for a man to wear... Like ever. We pulled up to the main movie center in Sydney with 1000’s of people there.

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