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Spencer P.O.V

Terry had dropped off my uniform, which consisted of the brand shirt, cap and short sport shorts, while we were at the zoo the day before. I had just gotten out of the warm shower and put on my simple blue bikini with my uniform over the top. I threw on my thongs and I was out the door to Bondi. I drove my car there, even though it would of been easier to walk, and parked near the tower. I walked over to the tower and was greeted by all of the boys on today.

“Morning Spence” Taco came up to the tower all wet from a rescue.

“Morning Taco” I gave him a quick kiss and walked over to Maxi.

“Hello Sunshine.” I elbowed him.

“G’mornin Spud, how are we?” I smirked, Im guessing that ‘spud’ is my new nickname.. Great.

“Grand, just waiting for Ter-- Ready for work Spencer?” Terry walked in from the back door.

“Sure am” I went and gave Taco a quick hug and walked outside to see someone I knew.

“Lachie!” I hugged him.

“Spence!” He hugged back.

“So you guys already know each other so thats a good thing, so firstly we--” Terry went over out basic steps from carrying the boards to the beach, setting up, telling them what to do and in the last hour of the lesson we can go out and surf. We both nodded as Terry led us to a group of 20 or so people. Terry started off talking to everyone and then passed me his keys to car which was connected to a trailer with 30+ beginners boards as everyone followed.

“So we are going to get everyone to get into partners and carry down two boards like this” Lachie said to everyone demonstrating how to carry them. Then out of the corner of my eye, I was nearly blinded with how fake, blonde her hair looked. Great it was Jessica, Taco’s ex. I just ignored her because she wasn’t going to ruin this for me. Lachie and I walked down to the beach and got everyone to set up their boards facing the water.

“So can I get everyone to lie down on their boards and pretend to paddle then jump up, whichever foot is behind, you put on the leg rope.” I explained to everyone. We spent another 10 minutes explaining, going over a few rules and tips, then everyone went in. Well Barbie and her two followers came up to Lachie and I.

“Hi, It’s Sped-cer isn’t it?” She asked as her and the 2 girls behind her did that high pitch laugh as Lachie and I mocked them, laughing back.

“Omg so funny” I replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Woah, I see you’ve moved on from Taco very quick? You do know he was just using you to make me jealous so I could go back to him” She pointed to Lachie and I then put on that hideous smile.

“Yeah um thats no what he told me, now please go into the water or we will have to ask you to leave” I fake smiled back.

“Now run along” Lachie added, pointing to the surf. Jessica turn around, got her board and went out.

“Thank You Lachie” I put out each word.

“She seemed like a bitch before she even spoke.” He said, high fiveing me. We sat and watched everyone surf, well try and stack it. There was just under an hour left so Lachie and I both went out. I tried to keep as far away from Jessica as possible, but we seemed to keep getting closer and closer together. 

“Adrian and I would be happily dating if it wasn’t for you bitch who came and messed it all up.” Eh wasn’t offended.

“Oh honey just remember, you can say whatever but at the end of the day, I’m the one who ends up with him.” I smiled because I knew it pissed her off.

“Fuck you, Adrian was mine” She jumped off my board and pushed me down into the water. Um what was going on. I fought back but she was winning as her 2 mates had come along to help. Fighting back just made me run out of breath even quicker. My vision was getting blurry and I didn’t have the strength to move. As hope was running out, I was pulled up from the water, by I think Lachie and brought up to the sand. I couldn’t really hear much or see either. I was put on my side and I vomited out all of the salt water I must of swallowed, but that woke me up more. 

“Spencer, can you hear me?” Lachie said as I sat up, with my head in between my knees.

“Yeah, I’m just out of breath” I took a few deep breaths in. Lachie rubbed my back as Terry, Deano and Taco came over to help. Terry Finished the class as Deano put the oxygen mask over my face which helped alot.

“What happened Spence?” Taco knelt down and hugged me.

“ Psycho Jess tried to down me” Fury filled Taco’s eyes but I couldn’t do anything about it.

“Do you know where she went?” He asked, taking my hand.

“I think she left the beach, but please don’t worry about it Adrian” I looked at him in the eyes. “Please” 

“Okay, lets just get you to hospital.” He smiled.

“No Taco, I just want to go home” I said.

“Spencer, its for your own safety”

“Can I just go home and I’ll go if it gets any worse” I begged.

“Fine, but I’m dropping you home. You’re not driving” He helped me up as I said bye to Lachie, Deano and Terry. We made our way up the ramp and to my car. I was so tried so when I got home I had a quick shower and got straight into to bed.

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