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Spencer’s P.O.V

*Next Morning*

It was around 9:30am when I woke up from that crazy night. I wasn’t too hungover but I took some panadol just in case. I walked downstairs to see so many gifts wrapped up and cards everywhere.

“What all this?” I asked Emily as she was putting vegemite on her toast.

“All of your presents from last night.” she smiled.

“Um Wow.” I looked though all the gifts, sizing them up, mentally guessing what they could be.

“You can open them out here but i’m going food shopping so I’ll be back.” She added stuffing the toast in her mouth and walking to the car. I opened up the first present that I saw. It was my friend Jade, it was a black Kardashian clutch. I got the usual makeup, jewelry, drinks, money, Glee seasons ect. There was now a pile of rubbish, presents and 2 presents and 3 cards left done up in that familiar blue. I opened the card that was with the bigger present.

‘Dear Spence,

Happy Birthday Darl! We hope you had a great 18th and we can’t wait to go clubbing with you!

Lots of Love the boys in blue xoxo

ps: Maxi picked the gift’

I smiled and put the card back into the envelope and picked up the blue wrapped rectangle sized box. I ripped off the paper and laughed. I saw a box set of season 1-8 of Bondi rescue, Typical Maxi. I deiced on the card to open next. It had my name written on the front on the blue envelope. I opened the ‘Happy 18th’ card and 2 tickets fell out. 

“NO FUCKING WAY!” I screamed! Tears filled my eyes, these weren't sad tears but omg-i-just-got-freaking-catching-fire-tickets-for-the-midnight-premier-which-were-sold-out kind of tears. I held them close to my heart and read the card.

‘To Spencer,

Just a little extra birthday present I came across and Im pretty sure you will enjoy it. 

-Hoppo x’

I let out another squeal and rang the tower to thank the boys and Hoppo.

“Hello Bondi Lifeguards, Michael speaking” Mouse answered the phone.

“Hey mouse its Spencer, is Maxi and Hoppo in at the moment?” I asked him.

“Hey Spence! Yeah Hoppo is right here and ill call up Maxi for ya.”

“Cheers Mouse, have fun working” 

“Yeah Yeah” He laughed handing the phone to Hoppo.

“Hey Spencer”

“HOPPO! I CAN NOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THE TICKETS!” I practically yelled into the phone. He laughed,

“I knew you would like them.”

“I dont like them, I bloody love them! How did you get them?” I asked

“I pulled a few strings and got a few tickets, heres Maxi for you”

“Thanks again Hoppo, it means the world” 

“Anytime” he handed the phone over to Maxi.

“Spencerrrrrr hey darling how are we?” he asked me.

“Maxi, im great. I’m just calling up to thank you so much for my present.” He laughed

“Did you like it?” he asked.

“Yes! If you dont see me for the next week, you know what I’ll be watching. But I just want you to thank everyone for coming last night.”

“No worries, thank you! Have you opened the other present, the smaller one?” he sounded a bit more serious.

“Not yet, why?” I asked

“Just, when you open it, remember that this was written just after Melbourne okay?”

“Um okay” I was slightly confused.

“Go open the present and ill talk to you later Spence” he sounded more calm now.

“Okay Love ya Maxi!” 

“Love ya Spence, bye!” We hung up. I walked back over to the table with the worlds ‘written just after Melbourne’ playing in my head. Was it revenge from Kerrbox? When we went surfing? The drinks.. I couldn’t think straight. I turned the card over and there was writing on the back.

‘I found this letter in the bin at work, it saw who it was from and it would be better if you did get this now. -Maxi’ 

Bin? Work? What? I opened up the envelope to see a ‘Happy Birthday Princess’ on the front. I opened up the card and there was writing which filled the whole page.

‘Dear my beautiful Spencer,

I deiced to write this early because knowing me, I’d procrastinate and not write anything deep and meaningful and nothing is happening at work atm. So you will be getting this on your birthday which is only a week away! And its well legal for us to date in a way haha. To the point, Spencer! You do not understand how much I love you. We have been dating for about a month now, but every time I see you, I fall harder and harder for you each time. You are actually someone who accepts me for me and you are pretty much the dream girl I’ve always wanted. When you wanted to be with me, I had to pinch myself a few times and realise that I have you. When we were back in Melbourne and when you looked into the mirror and said you hated the reflection, it made me upset that someone as perfect, flawless, beautiful as you could say that. You know that you are also the funniest person to be around. You light up the room when you walk in and its your personality, along with that smile, your perfect smile and green eyes in which I could stare into all day. There is not one thing that is imperfect about you because you are perfect.

When you opened up to me in Melbourne, you trusted me and it ment the world to me. 

*cue pick up line*

'if a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry i told Santa i wanted you for Christmas'

Shit well Ive already written it down so.. Im so stupid -.-  ANYWAYS the main message behind me trying to write as much so I dont have to work is Happy birthday you spunk and have a great day. 

Love Taco 

Ps: I didn’t know what to get you so I asked Harries for help, because he’s the ladies man and all.’

I put the card down, nothing was coming out. No tears, nothing. I was emotionless. I don’t know if I felt betrayed, loved, used? I opened up a jewelry box and it was 3 pandora charms. They were beautiful. The first one was of a plane, the second one was a wave pattern on the charm and the the third one was a love heart. I undid my bracelet and slid them on. I pulled out my phone and texted him

‘can we meet tonight? Mine at 8?’ I got a reply instantly.

‘sure spence’ I put my phone down and I admired charms, waiting for Emily to get home. Still emotionless.

Hope you enjoyed this one and is anyone else depressed about Jonas brothers breaking up? They were like my favourite childhood band an don’t lie, we all had a crush on one atleast once in our life... Oh well, I’ve been though worse band breakups :’(

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