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Spencer's P.O.V

"Lets go Spence" Emily was dragging me out of the tower by my arm. I was still in shock from hear this voice. My jaw still wide open as she pushed me into the passenger seat and drove off.

"Wwwas that really.." I pause finding my words. "Him?"

"Yes Spence, it was Taco" She replied quickly as she turn down familiar roads. "Sorry that I pushed you but I didn't know what you would of done if we stayed any longer." I nodded as we drove down Notts Ave. We turned into a couple of streets and turned up to the modern apartment. I let out an approving sigh as not one thing had changed since I left. I tugged the suitcase out of the boot and rolled it to the front door as I fiddled around with the keys to find the right one. I unlocked the door and stepped inside to the living room. The beach smell brought back all the memories of home.

"I re-stock the fridge for you. I'll see you tomorrow at 12." Emily smirked as she went back to her car. I walked to the door and yelled 'thank you' as she left. I closed the door and turned on the tv so I had some noise on in the house. I grabbed the handle of the suitcase and pulled it up the stairs as I reached my room. Bed still unmade, shoes scattered everywhere and photo frames in the same position. Nothing had changed. I made my bed and picked up the shoes so I could put my suitcase on my bed and unpack. I had taken most of my clothes on the night I left, but I kept some here. I was putting a pile of shirts away as I look upon one of the many photo frames throughout the room. I sighed as I put the clothes in the drawers and picked up the frame. It was a photo of Taco and i. We both looked so happy and was taken at Bondi. I put it back down as I ignored the rest. After cleaning the house and unpacking a little it was already 6 and I was starving. I looked into the filled fridge and had no energy to cook. I let out a groan and called up Dominos instead for a delivered pizza. Once it arrived I sat on the kitchen table on my own, listening to the news. I was onto my 3rd pice as my mobile rang.

"Hey" I answered in a chirpy tone.

"Hello Beautiful, how was your flight?" Drew replied.

"Smooth, just I how I like" I chuckled. "You leaving soon?"

"Yeah, 9pm. Can't wait for Fiji but I wish you were here"

"It's only a week"

"A week to long" His comment made me smile.

"Well Dee, I'm going off to bed now. Super tireddddd" I dragged out.

"Okay well goodnight Spence"

"Love you"

"Love you too" He whispered as I hung up. I put the leftover pizza into the fridge and had a quick shower to put my pjs on. I slid into the bedsheets and put on the Dark Knight as I had a early night.


"Ugh" I rolled over and hit the alarm. I thought going to bed early would make the jet lag go away, obviously not. It was 10:30 as I jumped into the shower and put on a batman shirt, shorts and thongs. I packed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Dads car was still parked as I drove into the city on the hot day. I arrived at D'ions right on time as Emily and her older sister Neave with her daughter.

"Neave!" I walked down to her and gave her a hug. "Long time, no see." I pulled away from the hug.

"Spencer! It's been forever" She smiled.

"And how have you been Darling" I knelt down and gave Eva, Neave's daughter who is 3 a hug.

"Spencer" She giggled, hugging me back. "I've be ggoood" She clapped. I was close with Neave and Eva because they both lived in Perth near me. I haven't seem them for 6 months now because they have both been over helping Em plan the wedding. We we interrupted by Emily's coughing.

"Yeah I saw you yesterday loser" I winked as I hugged her.

"What ever" She joked as she lead us inside the fancy dress store. A lady dressed in a black pencil skirt and white blouse welcomed us and showed us our dresses and accessories. I slipped into the dressing room and unzipped to reveal a stunning pastel purple dress. I took off my shirt and shorts to slide the long dress over my head. It fit perfectly. It was strapless and shaped up top to be let loose from the waist, down. I threw my thongs off and put on the creme sandals and a simple bangle. I took out my long hair from the plait and placed the thin, flower crown on the top of my head which the flowers matched the dress colour. I stepped out of the dressing room as Neave was matched with myself and Eva in a shorter purple dress with the same flower crown. "You girls look stunning" Emily came over as she was tearing up. "I can't believe this is really happening." She smiled though the tears of happiness.

"Awh, love you Em" I told her and I flattened out the dress.

"Love you too Spence," She came and hugged me. "So any problems?" We both shook out heads.

"These are perfect" Neave added, checking herself out in the mirror.

"Oh and we have hells for reception, just it would be a bit hard to walk in sand." I chuckled because of course they would have a beach wedding, it was perfect for them both. I went back into the change room and put my normal clothes back on. We left as Emily paid and went for lunch in a nice vegan restaurant not too far from where we all parked. I was excited for this wedding but one thing lingered in the back of my mind..

I'll have to see him.

A Mid Summers Dream (bondi rescue)Where stories live. Discover now