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Spencer’s P.O.V

After a few hours of surfing at Transits, I caught a few decent waves but you could tell Taco loved his surfing by the amount of times he caught the perfect wave. I always managed to get the shitty ones. There was one wave that had my name all over it. 

“Got this spence” Taco yelled, floating over the wave as I paddled hard, determined to make this a good one. I stood up and was a bit to excited and tumbled once again. I think I went around several times and it was the worse one I got all day. I was in the water and I felt a bit weird. I realised that I had lost my bikini top in the wave and I swam around trying to find the thing. I ran out of breath and came to the surface covering my chest with my arms. Taco was sitting on his board about 15 meters away holding my bikini top.

“Looking for something?” He asked between his laughs.

“Taco, pass me the bloody thing” I yelled to him.

“What’cha gonna do about it?” He laughed more and the desperation on my face.

“Do you want to be a single man?” I looked at him.

“You have to come get it then” People would think this is flirting, its more like torture. I gave him a puppy dog look and he paddled over. “Fine” He rolled his eyes. Taco passed me my top and I turned around to tie it back on.

“It wasn’t that difficult wasn’t it?” I laughed splashing him as I got back onto my board.

“Oh so difficult” he rolled his eyes. “Wanna go back in now?” 

“I’ll race ya back to Thompson Bay” I started to paddle out of Transits. Taco bet me back to Thompson’s by a board length and took the boards back to the long haired, high bloke who was at the shack hours earlier.

“Cheers Dudes” He took the boards from us and we walked back to the locker area. We had already dried up from the sun but I still went over my body with the towel to get all of the wet spots off me and dried my hair up a bit. I put on my shorts, tank and grabbed my bag then locked up the locker. I took Taco’s hand and walked up the promenade and into the shopping and food part of the island. I took Taco over to my most favourite ice cream shop, Baskin and Robin.

“This was Levi and I’s favourite place in rottnest. We would spend so long picking a flavor” I said as I looked at the ice cream flavors available. 

“Hi what can I get for you today?” The lady asked. I searched for a fresh tasting one because it was warm outside.

“Can I please have one scoop of the lemon and lime sorbet” I told the lady and then looked at Taco, who was still searching for the one he wanted.

“and I’ll have the vanilla crunchy” He joined me waiting for our ice creams. The young lady got our ice creams and got to the till.

“Sorry to ask, but are you Taco from Bondi Rescue?” she smiled punching numbers into the machine. Taco looked at me and smiled.

“Haha yes, fan of the show?” He asked her.

“I’m in love with it! Bacon’s my favourite.” She giggled “That is $5.50 thanks” I smiled and passed her the money and passed Taco his ice cream.

“Everyone love Bacon, anyway thanks for the ice cream” Taco smiled.

“Your very welcome, have a lovely day” She waved as we walked back into the blistering heat. We found seats under a large tree, over looking the beach.

“You know you suck at surfing” He laughed. It was true, I did suck. Always room from improvement though. I turned to Taco and stuck some of my ice cream on his mouth.

“You’re such a bully” I laughed, kissing the ice cream off his mouth which made him smile, kissing me back, but pulled away to wipe the reminder of the ice cream over my face. 

“You know I love you” He smiled to me.

“and I love you too” I paused. “most of the time” I winked. We finished up our ice creams and made our way back to the ferry. We boarded it and was on our was back to reality. I couldn’t wait to get back to Sydney, there is nothing left for me here in Perth anymore. 

“Thank you for today” Taco said kissing my cheek.

“Thank you for everything” I put my head on his shoulder and drifted to sleep with the movement of the waves hitting the boat.


Sorry its another short one, I have to go watch my team play netball soon and unlikely upload tomorrow. I have training and dinner. Xo

Thank you so much for 900 reads! Xoxoox 

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