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Spencer’s P.O.V

“It’s back” Dr Coleman spoke the words that I never wanted to hear. The words cut deep into my heart as it is shattered into a million pieces. Tears brimmed the corner of my eyes, threating to spill any second. Three whole days I waited for these test results. Taco questioning my every move, clueless about where I was actually going. After leaving him that night, I felt so guilty about it all. 

I was expecting the worse though.

“So what does that mean?” Hurt clear in my tone, yet dying for answers. He turns on his wheely chair and fixes his posture.

“You are currently at stage 3 Miss Hill, the cancer wasn’t fully cleared. Chemotherapy should be required as soon as possible. I would like to apologise on my behalf due to the such short notice in this.” A frown was plasted onto his young face. I let out a huge sigh.

“My father once told me something inspiring.” I ran my hands though my thin hair. “Shit Happens.” I chuckled, lifting the down mood though the sniffles.

“It indeed does Miss Hill” He smiled, clicking his pen and writing things into his file. “So I was reading your file and it said that one of your family members had astrocytoma?” I placed my hands on my lap and started fiddling with them.

“My dad” I muttered.

“That should explain it.” He sighed getting up from his chair. “I will be keeping in touch with you Miss Hill and call you in the next couple of days about the Chemo” I nodded, standing up from the chair. 

“Thank you Dr Coleman, but call me Spencer. The whole ‘Miss Hill’ thing makes me sound professional.” I said, causing a chuckle from him. 

“Well Spencer, I’ll be keeping in touch, stay safe and have a good night” He gestured for the door as I walked out to the resecption of the hospital, keeping that smile on my face.

Well, fake smile.

Getting into the car, I broke. Digging my palms into the steering wheel and my forehead resting on them as the tears poured out of my eyes, running down my cheeks.

“why?” I muttered. Trying to suck deep breaths in though my lungs, attempting to calm down my heart pace. Death never scared me, its the pain I would cause the others around me. Wiping the tears with the outside of my shaking hand, I trembled with the car keys and finally turning the engine on. 

I couldn’t bare to face Taco in my state like this, I couldn’t tell him just yet. I just couldn’t. Taking the opposite turn to Taco’s house, I made my way down the familiar Notts Ave. Tears still fresh in my eyes as I pulled into the dark drive way, meeting Taco’s car.

“Fuck I muttered. Double checking that it as his car.


I checked myself in the mirror to make myself look as presentable as I could. Well messy hair with red puffy eyes really shout “of course I haven’t been crying”. Taking a deep breath in, I grabbed my bag and made my way inside of my apartment I’ve missed.

“Adrian” I asked, stepping into the cool room. No reply. It was dark but not dark enough to see a outline of someone, well that was my thought. Attempting to find the light switch, my wrist was grabbed and I was pushed against the wall. Being centimeters away from his dark chocolate eyes filled with confusion, I could tell it was Adrian.

“Spencer” he whispered in a low, husky tone. The corner of the wall and his body made it a struggle to get out of his reach. “Where have you been?” 

I dropped my eye contact with him, ashamed of myself and where I had been. Tears spilt from my eyes. His eyes widened, bringing his pointer finger to wipe away the tears, then cupped my chin with this palm.

“Have you been crying?” his tone more soft, turning his head to inspect my facial expression. I still couldn’t reply, it killed me deep down. “Say something Spence because I have so many horrible scenarios going on in my mind which I am expecting the worse.”

“Well what the hell do you think is going then Adrian?” I snapped, not meaning to be rude. His dark eyes narrowed down to me as he towered over me.

“Is there someone else?” he whispered causing a stiff chuckle from myself. 

How could he think that. Am I really that much of a horrible person? “What makes you think that?”

“Well why wouldn’t I think that?” His tone a little harsher. “You have been sneaking out Spencer, not telling me where you have been going the past week. You have been out several times and not arriving home until late or not bothering to bring up what happened those days. I know when you lie Spencer, I can read you like an open book.”

He had a solid point, I did sound shady but had no intentions on that. I must of overlooked it.

“So from your silence I’m taking that as a yes” He stated, pulling the strands of his hair out of pure frustration. “Oh my god Spencer, please. I’VE SPENT THE LAST GOD DAM FOUR FUCKING YEARS, NON-SPOT LOVING YOU AND I GET IT THROW BACK INTO MY FACE.” He voice rose, startling me. “I THOUGHT YOU CARED, YOU HAD ME FOOLED. I REALLY- GOD DAMMIT ADRIAN” I cut him off from his mini rant. “I HAVE FUCKING CANCER WHICH IS EATING AWAY AT MY LIFE” I yelled, pushing past his tense body, running up to my room and diving into my bed. I skipped the whole pre-tear situation and I was down to the hypervanting, choking on the salty tears. Weight was pulled to the left side of the bed as the soft handing belonging to Taco, ran though my light brown hair.

“Shh Spence” he tired soothing me. “Everything is going to be okay” I turned over and sat up to meet those eyes again which almost seemed lighter. But something was different.

The water was swelling up inside of them.

More reasons not to tell him, I never wanted to cause him pain. Before I could speak, his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into the crook of his next.

“You are not going to die Spencer. I wouldn’t allow it” I pulled away from him but slowly moved my lips onto his. Oh how much I loved this boy and he was the only reason I had to fight.

I had to fight for him.


ERMERGERD plot twist.

Lol not really, you all probs called it opps.

Sorry for no update in a while, I kinda melted and I just got back to my normal self again.

Legit today my friend and I were going to spend the day together shopping. We ended up buying an ice cream and waiting in the movies for her mum to pick us up because we couldn’t possibly walk home in this heat. 

Ily Australia xoxoxooxox

Ily u all xoxooxoxox

Ps: I picture Dr Coleman as the hot dad in twilight, Dr Carlisle Cullen yum.

Pss: the song on the side gives me lady feels so please listen to it idk when but its deep as farkkkkkkkkkkk.

Psss: harry’s solo makes me cry alot because it just does

Pssss: I should stop but I love you and have a lovely day <3 xx

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