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It was about 4:30 and Emily and I were just lounging around doing nothing. Taco wasn’t coming until 7 and Bacon at 7:30. The sound of the news was on in the background and I was on the couch with my legs up on the armrest reading Catching Fire. Emily broke the long silence.

“Spencer, guess whats on tonight at 6?”

“What?” I asked putting my book on my chest.

“Think about it.” then it hit me.

“No, nonononono. It can’t be today.” I stuttered 

“it is.”

“NO EMILY! I AM NOT PREPARED,” I yelled standing up

“Spencer, you have to watch it, its for your own sake.” Tears filled my eyes. It was my beloved Cory Monteith Glee Tribute episode. I loved Glee but this was one episode I couldn’t watch.

“Spencer, this is what he would of wanted.” she had persuade me. “You have an hour and a half to get ready for your date then put on Fox 8 in your room.” I took a deep breath.

“Fine.” I started to slowly walk up stairs to my bathroom. Whilst I was showering it kinda hit me that what if Taco walked in while I was watching it, it wont be a pretty sight. I got out and wrapped my towel under my armpits.

“Emily!” I yelled.

“What?!” she yelled back.

“While i’m watching GLEE, don’t let Taco come it.” I could hear her faint laugh.


I didn’t bother wearing anything too fancy tonight so I decided with my pastel green short dress with brown sandals. I put back on my ‘spencer’ necklace Levi got me and went back into my bathroom. I had curled my long brown hair and applied a bit of make up. The time had gone so fast because Emily was already yelling at me that it was starting in a minute. I quickly got my brown cross body bag putting my phone and wallet inside. I put my bag down next to my bed and there was a box of tissues on the bedside table with a note.

‘you’ll need these -Em’

“Thank Em!” I yelled.

“Its Okay!” she yelled back.

I went and shut my door, turn out the lights and slid into bed watching Glee. Deep breathes Spencer, you can do this.


The show had finished and tears were coming left right and center. I’ve never cried this much in the past 3 years. I couldn’t stop. My feels were destroyed. My Finchel ship had sunk and there was nothing, no one could do about it.

“Spencer?” I heard a voice coming up stairs.

“GGGG GO AW-WWAYY!” I yelled. I didn’t want anyone to see me in this state. It was Taco who rushed through the door and onto my bed holding me tight.

“shh shh spencer, are you okay? What happened?” he asked.

“ddd does it look like im okkkkay?” I stuttered “My ship had sunk” that just made me cry even more.

“your what? Your ship? Ohhh” it had hit him. “glee tribute?” he asked. It was getting worse I was hyperventilating, I couldn’t breathe.

“Yyyyyy yyess.” I cried into him.

“Awhh! Don’t be sad!” He laughed. I pulled back and just looked at him and laughed with him.

“I’m sorry.” I said. I got up and went into the bathroom and saw what a mess I was. My mascara  had run all down my face, my eyes were so puffy and my whole face was red. Taco had walked in behind me and my jaw was wide open whilst Taco was had his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh.

A Mid Summers Dream (bondi rescue)Where stories live. Discover now