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Spencer’s P.O.V

I’m someone who likes badass entrances and exits. This was the polar opposite of a sick exit, hobbling out of the hospital with an extremely noticeable limp. But on the bright side, Mr Adrian here was kind enough to come visit once his shift was over and help me out right now. 

It also gave me a great excuse to feel up those toned arms of his.

Back to the reality of it all, the god knows how many stitches in my leg had me in pain, but surprisingly, Adrian’s ability to make me laugh in this situation washed the pain away.

"Thanks for your support, first day in Sydney and already injured. Sounds like the old Spencer too me." I chuckled to myself, waiting for Emily to come pick me up. I caught his glance as if he was debating on saying something.

“"No worries, anytime. Here." He grabbed my photo out of my other hand and tapped a few times. “Call me if you need anything.”

This guy was smooth. I liked that. Along with his cheeky grin and dazzling eyes and his puckered pink lips. I returned with a smirk as his phone when off. Sadly, his expression changed from that cheeky grin to something else I couldn’t put my finger on. 

Distracting my thoughts, Emily drove up in Bea’s car and waited patiently inside.

“Well this is my queue, thank you for everything Adrian” I smiled, debating on wether to give him a hug or not.

"Please, just call me Taco."

"Well thanks again for everything...Taco." I re-worded my sentence as we chuckled. 

"Hey Spencer," He tapped my shoulder before I was out of reach. “Yeah”

"Can i come over to yours after work? to come check up on you?" He asked kinda shyly.

"Sure, Ill text you the address” I replied heading towards the car. Waving our goodbyes I was planted with questions from Emily which consisted of ‘are you okay now’ or ‘how much was it all’ even ‘Logie boy?’ I laughed at her last questions envoling Taco and pulled out my phone and texted him the new address.

Smiling at my phone as the contact read ‘Superman’.

Superman or should I say Taco should have a speciality on scaring the living daylights out of someone when watching a movie in their room alone.

"Whatcha watching?." I turned my head to see a Taco at my door.

“Oh hey, didn’t see you.” I replied cooly, hiding the fact that I literally just died.

 “Yeah sorry, you friend was just leaving as I arrived”

“Nah thats okay, just gave me a fright.” I said getting up from the rocking chair to greet him. “So are you staying for late night dinner?” 

“Well, I was going to duck out to Macca’s down the road but this sounds nicer.” He replied. Hobbling downstairs, I looked around Bea’s pantry and found the noodles that I was looking for.

“Do you want to pick a movie? They are just in the cabinet next to the T.V” I yelled out to him, putting the packet into the microwave.

“Okay.” He yelled back so I could hear him. After 2 minutes I had severed up the plate and walked into the living room to see Taco sitting on the carpet floor with 3 movies in his hand.

“The Notebook, The Amazing Spiderman or The Dark Knight?” he asked showing them to me.

“Well, Ryan Gosling sounds very tempting but Heath Ledger wins.” I said as he passed Batman to me.

“I knew you would pick this after a whole 12 hours of evaluation” He chuckled whilst I put the disk into the dvd player. I sat down on the couch, followed by Taco who put the doona over the top of us. I’d have to admit, having a guys arm around you after knowing him for not even a full day was not my cup of tea, but he made it feel comfortable.

“Its not poliet to stare” I turned to him giggling as a burn rose up in his cheeks.

“Ii-m sorry” He stuttered nervously. I brought my hand up to the surface of the doona to meet hims. Interlocking them felt nice. After we had finished our noodles Taco kindly took my plate and went to wash up. The joker was burning all of the money on the movie, his phone started to ring.

“Hey Spence, can you answer than for me?” He shouted for the kitchen. 

“Sure.” I yelled back picking up his phone.

 “Hello, Adrain’s phone.” I greeted 

“Um hello? Who the hell is this?” a girls voice asked with a nasty tone.

“Hold your horses love, its Spencer. May I ask who’s calling?”

“This Is Jessica, Adrian’s girlfriend.” My heart stopped a little. I knew it was too good to be true. My heart had sunk like the titanic. This was horrible. I was speechless.

“Hello?” said the voice

“Oh um sorry, yeah here he is.” I said walking into the kitchen with the phone.

 “Its Jessica.” I passed his phone to him leaving the kitchen. If it wasn’t for these darn stitches Id be running out of here.

“Spencer wait up, Spencer please!” He pleaded. I shot myself around to him to meet his glance.

“I think you should leave” I muttered in a low tone.

“Please let me expl-”

“Adrian” I motioned for the door. “It was too good to be true” His hand met my cheek in a soft way asking for comfort. I pushed him away as his stare dropped.

“Im sorry.” he whispered leaving the house.

I limped back upstairs into my room and contuined the Dark Knight up there. Slight tears stained my eyes after waking up from my 2 hour slumber from a text message.

Rude to text someone at 12:30am ugh.


‘Please Spencer. I am so sorry. I need to explain it to you. Please, ill be on my lunch break at 2 tomorrow, so please meet be behind the tower. Im sorry’

I didn’t bother to reply, sleep was all I wanted right now. 

A/N: yay for edited.

Im sorry that the relationship is rushed but I really can’t change it now anyway, if I could I would of waited longer so i’m trying to make it sound as legit as possible (and failing terribly)

Mad bcs there was on 2 moro bars in my favourites chocolate box ugh.

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