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Spencer’s P.O.V

As I got off the plane I promised to leave my emotions back in Perth. I was home now, nothing was left in Perth for me now. I was done. Taco put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the plane. We followed the long corridor to the end, where people were going to be boarding soon. There he was, I let go of Taco and raced to him.

“MAXI! EMILY!” I shouted, lunging myself at my closest friends.

“SPENCER!” They both hugged me tight. “We missed you so much” I was still hugging my Maxi and Emily as Taco man hugged Jesse, Mouse, Whippet and Bacon. Maxi pulled back putting his arms on my shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” he asked a bit more serious, I chuckled.

“I’m ready to start fresh in Sydney” I smiled, departing Maxi then moving along to the other boys. I asked them how Bondi has been before they could ask about my trip as we collected our suitcases, Maxi wheeled mine.

“Well One Direction are coming down tomorrow to meet up with us and to speak to some of their fans.” Bacon filled in Taco and I, but I rolled my eyes. Ugh One Direction, the only day where I will not be at Bondi Beach.

“Oh there still here for their tour, I thought they left like last week?” I asked.

“Nope still had Sydney to go to” Bacon also rolled his eyes.

“I feel your pain Bacon,” We laughed. “Only if Justin Timberlake was still here” I sighed.

“Oh Maxi would know all about Justin” he winked.

“I’d know what?” Maxi asked, as we all tried to fit into one car. I squeezed into the back with Taco, Emily and Mouse, with Maxi and Jesse in the boot seats and Whip in the front with Bacon driving. Mouse and I shared a seat belt as Bacon continued the conversation. 

“You’d know everything about JT” We all laughed.

“Justin is my homie” Maxi replied, high fiveing me. Bacon plugged his phone into the speakers and a farmiular song came on.

“This is the only song I have” Bacon said turning up the tune.

“I’m bringing sexy back

Them other boys don’t know how to act

I think you're special, what's behind your back?

So turn around and I'll pick up the slack.” We all sung, knowing this song. Maxi grabbed out his phone and yelled “INSTAGRAM OPPORTUNITY” over the song. We continued singing and dancing in the car and Maxi recorded us. The song had finished and we dropped the boys back at work and Bacon drove us back to my new apartment. 

“Cheers Bacon!” Taco waved goodbye as he went back to work. I got my key out of the pot plant, where I always hide it and opened up the door. I though my bag on the ground and turned to a Taco who was admiring the place.

“so this is yours?” He looked up to the high ceiling, the the railing of my bedroom you could just see.

“All mine” I squealed. Taco helped me carry my bag upstairs to my new room so I could start putting some clothes away. Taco finished looking around and took the clothes out of my hands and helped me up.

“I need to get going soon, early day tomorrow, also going to be a big one. You and Emily are both going down you know.” I rolled my eyes, listening to Taco. 

“Do you have to gooo?” I legit begged.

“I’m sorry” He kissed my forehead and started to walk.

“Excuse me Mr Kovacic” he turned around looking confused. “I dont even get a kiss goodbye? I see how it is” I feld my arms and put on a fake frown. Taco walked back to me and gave me a peck, he was being a little smart ass now. I looked at him and he just smiled.

“Okay I’m sorry” He lent in and started to kiss me how I wanted to be kissed. A bit of tongue here and there and finished it by pulling my bottom lip. “Happy?” he asked.

“Extremely” I giggled walking down the stairs to see him off. “I love you” I smiled as our hands disconnected.

“I love you too” he smiled, hailing a taxi back home. I smiled walking back upstairs and finished unpacking whilst texting Emily. I went downstairs to a full fridge and a note inside. 

‘could use some food? Dont worry, I always know where you keep the keys’ -emily. I smiled pulling out a microwave meal and sat down on the couch to watch Forrest Gump which was on. I got my phone out while I was trying to eat and watch at the same time and checked up on my instagram. Maxi did post the video with the caption ‘Car rides feat: Justin Timberlake and the homies’ tagging us all in. I couldn’t help but laugh at it all. I went down and read some of the comments.

‘Ahaha you guys had some fun’

‘We both love justin, therefor we should get married.’

‘who are those 2 sluts?’ someones jealous.. I deiced to comment  ‘#partylife101’ and got a reply seconds later.. ‘@spencerhills it anit no party without ya, sista x’ ohh I love Maxi.

Sorry for no upload last night Big Brother Finale was on (I said he would win in past chapters) naileddd it ;) and I had written something but it was utter crap.

I am also watching Forest gump atm :3 xx

 I also had a hectic day today, I got insulted by my teacher, sunstroke and passed out, finished my assessment I started today (always leaving things last minute) and wrote a chapter!

Will be longer tomorrow xx

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