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A/N before you start reading this, I don’t know much about the stages of Chemo because I’ve been to scared to ask family and google is useless right now. I’m pretty much going from movies I’ve seen so if you are professional Chemo person, I’m sorry and don’t be offend I guess?

Spencer’s P.O.V

His hands were stroking through the thinness of my delicate hair, slowly waking me up. I remember everything from last night, how we made love on my bed which every few minutes Adrian asking if I was okay. I don’t think he understands that when I am with him, all of my worries disappear. He makes my life more than ‘okay’, he makes it amazing.

“You know that its going to be all gone soon” I whispered, turning my body to re-connect with his but geturesting to my hair. A smile cradled on his lips, landing my eyes on his. Those eyes that changed so much in the course of a few hours. From confusion to anger from anger to sadness then to love and lust then stopping on happiness due to us being trapped in our own little world.

“You are still going to look just as beautiful” He twirled his finger in the loose curl hanging from my face. A blush crept onto my cheeks, still not used to the compliments.

“So what are the plans for today Mr Kovacic?” I tried changing the subject, leaning over to the floor and picking up Taco’s shirt which was left from last night and sliding it onto my bare body.

“Mrs Spencer Kovacic” He smirked, “It has a ring to it” Rolling my eyes, I couldn’t help but place a single kiss on his lips due to his cuteness. 

“One day” I smiled back at him. “But seriously, whats the plans for today?”

“Well what do you want to do?” He asked.

“Shopping” I spoke almost instantly as a huge groan was let out of Taco.

“Shopping? Really Spencer?” I bit my lip and nodded.

“I’ll text up Emily and Bacon and see if they want to meet for lunch” I stated, jumping out of bed. “Shot gun the first shower too” I chuckled, grabbing my phone and towel whilst walking to the bathroom. I lent my elbows on the sink and opened up my phone.

‘Mornin Em, Wanna meet up at Westfield for lunch at 1? Love ya xx’ 

I texted her and jumped into the shower whilst singing to the new Justin Timberlake song that I’ve been obsessed with lately. I hopped out as soon as I heard my text tone go off and happily, Emily replied with a “Can’t wait Sped :* ”. 

Don’t even get a good morning? omg Emily, love you too.

I wrapped the towel around my body and deiced on wearing a denim skirt with a plain white shirt tucked in complimented with some thongs on the feet.

Like a true Australian.

Taco must of grabbed his clothes that he left here last time because he was in a different shirt and shorts as I came down stairs.

“Ready to go?” I asked, chucking my glasses on top of my head and my purse from the kitchen bench. He intertwined fingers our fingers and gave me an approving nod, leading me outside to his car. 

After the half an hour drive into Sydney full of old school boy bands which excluded mostly of Busted, Backstreet Boys, Westlife and Nsync, we arrived at the already filled shopping center. Walking in it was hipster central. Then it reminded me,

It’s a Saturday. 

Were all the twelvies meet and fight over the last crop top in Supre is the best way to spend your Saturday with your boyfriend. I grabbed Taco’s hand and led him away from the horror and to the safer zone.

A Mid Summers Dream (bondi rescue)Where stories live. Discover now