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Warning: this chapter is even shitter than the one before and i had a huge writers block. 

Spencer P.O.V

“Can we go inside now? It’s getting a bit cold.” Taco stuttered trying to put on a smile. I let out a chuckle and walked back into the warm house. I got us both towels and we sat on the couch, which Glee was still on, but at opposite ends sliding my legs into his. 

“Would you like a tea or coffee?” I asked breaking the silence, it wasn’t an awkward one but a good one, embracing each others vibe. Taco sat up straight and I joined him. He cupped one hand around my cheek smiling, then he pressed his lips to mine, and it started out as a soft kiss that moved onto something more deeper. I brought my body up and on top of him in a laying position. We kept the strong kiss until I slightly pulled away. I put my arms on his chest and push me up. 

“So?” I asked still wanting an answer.

“A coffee would be grand” He smiled and I got off his body and walked into the kitchen getting out the coffee and a lemon herb tea bag. I put the kettle on and got out 2 mugs and putting a spoonful of coffee in one, the tea bag in the other. Two arms slid around me pulling me in. I poured the hot water into our mugs and turned and passed it to Taco. He put it down and lifted me onto the bench and I wrapped my legs around him taking a sip of my lemon tea.

“You always make the best coffees” Taco smelt it and took a sip. I put my mug down and put my hands on his cheeks. 

“I wasted 3 weeks being pissed off at you, 3 weeks I’ll never be able to get back.” I kissed him. “I’ve been waiting way to long to do that” He smiled.

“Miss Spencer Hill, what made you change your mind?” I slid off the bench, with my tea in one hand and his hand in my other and walked into my room where the bucket loads of presents were in the corner and sat him on my bed as I crawled over the bed, to my bedside table, passing him the card. He sighed

“Who gave you this?” he looked kinda angry now. “You wern’’t supposed to get this, I’m sorry”

“Well this was the reason I called” I smiled at him, he calmed down a little. 

“Hey, why are you packing?” his mood changed, pointing at my half packed suitcase. I stood up and walked over to the suitcase and sat on the floor next it it. He joined me. “Spencer?”

“Don’t worry, I have a new apartment for now” I smiled putting some shorts into the bag. “and I’m moving in tomorrow.” 

“Where is this new apartment? Is it far?”

“10 minutes away, on Notts Ave” I said, he started helping me pack now because he knew it wouldn’t be far away, even though Taco did live in Bronte. 

“Notts? Thats like rich street” I laughed

“It was dads, I got the keys for my birthday” I stood up and got them from the bedside table and threw them to Taco.

“Jesus you were the cutest kid, what happened?” I playfully hit his shoulder.

“Puberty I tell ya” We laughed sitting back down to where I was before. But my phone went off and I was surprised in who I saw.

“Whats the matter?” Taco asked, my face probably gave it away that it wasn’t going to be good.

“It’s mum” I was confused but picked up the phone. I heisted for a moment

“h-hello?” I spoke.

“Spencer, thank lord you picked up.” She said in a panicked tone and the sniffles from crying in between every word.

“Mum? Mum whats wrong?”

“It’s L-le-levi” My jaw dropped, I knew it was bad. She took a deep breathe and explained.

“H-he was in a crash coming home from the a-airport. He’s in a deep coma and” she stopped and cried even more. “and he may not wake up” My eyes filled up with tears.

“Mum” I paused “Please tell me you're lying”

“Spencer” she tried to get in

“No mum please” My I was so chocked up. “I’m coming home now”

“Okay” She didn't hesitate on me coming home. I hung up the phone and looked at Taco. I stood up and he came over to me and gave me a bear hug, letting me soak his shirt in my tears. Can’t one thing in my life actually work out? 

“I need to leave now” I pulled away trying to finish packing everything. Taco grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“Please tell me Spence” I looked into his dark eyes and blurted everything out. “Shit Spencer” He hugged me again. “I’m coming with you”

A/N i was talking to a friend for like 4 hours so i was distracted and i didnt bother doing grammar or spelling errors, soznotsoz.

And i have exams coming up so i may not beable to post in the future weeks xo

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