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Spencer's P.O.V 

“Spencer?” I answered the phone. 

“Hey Lachie, I can’t talk now, its a bad time but can I give you a call back later?” I asked him.

“No Spencer, take your time. I sorry!” he said back.

“No, im the sorry one. But I really need to go now. Bye” I hung up. More tears came flowing down so I just huddled in my bed and cried myself to sleep once again. 

“Spencer, please don’t cry” a pair of arms came around me just before I was asleep. It was Levi, being that caring brother he always was. 

“you awake?” Emily whispered at my door. I had opened one eye and it was being attacked by the sunlight shine though my blinds.

“no” I replied.

“WAKE UP BIRTHDAY GIRL!” Emily and Levi shouted walking into my room, jumping on my bed. I had completely forgotten it was my birthday.

“Let the birthday girl sleep in” I muttered pulling the covers over my head. I slid up from my bed as they got me their presents.

“Heres your first one” Levi said passing me a pandora box. I gasped,

“Guys these are beautiful!” 3 pandora charms.

“This Australia one is to represent our gap year.” Emily showed me and I put the first one on. 

“This second one is an 18, for your birthday” Levi added, passing it to me to put on. 

“And the 3rd one, is a friend charm.” Emily showed me her bracelet and she had the ‘best’ half. I slid it on a clipped it up. 

“Thank you guys so much!” I hugged them both. 

“and this is from Mum.” Levi passed me an envelope. I looked up to Levi, ignoring the thousands of dollars and picked up the keys which had our family photo of the keyring. 

“Dads apartment keys.” I whispered.

“She said if your gonna stay a while, might as well in in dads apartment.” I smiled, it was something I had to remind me of him.

“I’ll have to call and thank her later.” I added.

Bacon walked in a few moments later with pancakes and lemon with sugar on a try.

“Happy Birthday Spencer!” he walked over placing the try on my bedside table and hugging me. “I know you have had a shitty past couple of days but we are going to make this day one to remember!”

“Eat up, its 10 now and we need to be out by 11:30.” Emily added whilst I had half a pancake stuffed into my mouth. I turned on the tv watching the newest episode of ‘Ja’mie Private School Girl’. It had made my morning. Sometimes I forget that Ja’mie is actually a bloke because he is just so good at it. Once the episode had finished, I licked clean my plate and hopped into the shower, letting the heat go into my body. I got out and put on my button up green and blue shirt, tucking it into my shorts. I tied my hair into a high bun and packed my handbag, putting in my phone, purse and lipgloss. 

“Leaving now Spencer!” Emily yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my sunnies and sandals and made my way down into the car.

“Wheres Bacon and Levi?” I asked Emily as she had started the car.

“They will join us later” she giggled. I just nodded dying to know where we were going. “Before I forget” Emily dug through her bag. “Here you go.” she passed me a sash saying ’18 today’. I pulled it over my shirt as we drove into the city and arrived at ‘Chill’ a beauty salon one of the most expensive salons in Sydney. 

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