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Spencer’s P.O.V

It had been a month since my trip to London and everything is back to normal, well kind of. Taco and I have been in alot more arguments lately which have been lead to tears and sleepless nights. Tonight was one of Jesse’s annual gets which happen a few times a year which I was in no mood for but I promised Taco i’d go.I had pulled up my skinny jeans and put on my white tank with a sun on it. I walked downstairs as I heard a knock on the door.

“Hey” I said opening the door to see Taco as expected.

“Hello Beautiful, you are ready on time!” He gasped as he made me chuckle.

“Well let me go get my shoes and I’ll meet you in the car.” I replied, kissing his cheek and running back upstairs and chucked my thongs on. I grabbed my key and locked the door, then joining Taco in the car.

“Hey are we still good for me to stay over tomorrow? It’s just that Emily and Bacon need a place to stay and I’m not 3rd wheeling.” I explained as we drove out of my drive way.

“Yeah, I like the company” He smirked as Taco drove us to Maroubra Beach. I realised as we were getting closer, that this was my running track. I had ran to Coogee not long ago and the next stop was Maroubra. Taco parked the car not far and grabbed my hand as we walked over to a group of a good 70 people near the beach.

“TACO, SPENCER!” Jesse yelled, hugging him. Followed by maxi.

“Jess, Maxi. How are you?” They came and gave me a quick hug.

“We are great” Maxi said, putting his arm back around Jesse.

“All of the boys are down there” Jesse pointed to a group, I could recognise emily, jake and mouse.

“Cheers guys” Taco said taking my hand and leading me through a group of people until we reached the boys. We started mingling as the loud music was playing.

“Hey, I’m going to get a drink. Want one?” Taco yelled over the music.

“I’d love one thanks” I replied as he let go of my hand and made his way though to get to the esky.  

“How are you and Taco doing?” Emily asked, holding onto Bacon’s arm.

“Okay, were having ups and downs but oh well” I sighed. “And you’re engagement?”

“I’ve never been this happy in my life Spence” she turned around and kissed Bacon.

“You remember Bacon, you hurt her and I will fry you with eggs” I winked making a horrible joke. But they both thought it was funny.

“I won’t” He smiled to me. I looked around because it had been 10 minutes since Taco had left and I deiced to have a quick look around for him. I walked in a bit and finally found Taco... Talking to another girl. We made eye contact and I turned around and walked back to the group so he didn’t see me.

Taco’s P.O.V

“Can you please pass me a VB and a Black vodka mate?” I asked Jess as he was near the esky. 

“Sure Tac” He dug though the ice and passed me the 2 drinks.

“Cheers” I smiled then walked back into the crowd. I could just see Spencer as someone grabbed my wrist.

“Jessica? What are you doing here?” I asked as fury filled me.

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