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Spencer’s P.O.V

Right now, everything was perfect. Lying next to your best friend, whom just got back from her honeymoon, under the blistering Australian sun at one of my favourite beaches it the world. I had Taco back too, thats what made my life worth living. He brought happiness that I now know that no one else can bring me. He could have a pick of whatever girl he wanted, yet he still stays with me.

I had my earphones in, whilst Angus and Julia stone played peacefully in the background. I was trying my hardest to catch up on sleep but the slight pain in the back of my head wasn’t helping.

Maybe its the earphones? I took the out and turned my body to face Emily’s which was possessed into a deep relaxation in music. The tune of Miley’s new sound was coming out of her earphones which made me giggle a bit but caused the pain to thicken. I deiced to sit up and tuck in my knees as I rubbed my temples trying to calm down the pain. I took a sip from my water bottle and took another panadol. 

Maybe I was just dehydrated? No, I’ve already had 4 bottles today. I had noticed the pain a few weeks ago but it was never this bad. 

Maybe a walk would help? I brushed the sand off my body to get up off my towel. I was too fast and came stumbling back down. 

What was happening?

“Spencer?” Emily’s eyes started to flutter open, full of concern. “you okay?” I turned to her, not saying anything as my eyes tried to adjust from the blurriness. I tried to speak but no words were coming out. She sat up, removing her glasses and looking me straight into the eyes. She knew something was up.

I pointed to my head, pushing though the shakiness of my hands. “hh-he-headache” and that was the last thing I remember before it all went dark.


Yes this is a very pathetic excuse for an update and i’m sorry. My really good family friend’s father passed away a few days ago so I’ve been so busy lately and I am truly sorry. I will try to write before work tomorrow but I sort of have some plans to kinda finish this story, not sure how long though x

And merry christmas yall :) xx

A Mid Summers Dream (bondi rescue)Where stories live. Discover now