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Spencer’s P.O.V

Once again I woke up in Tacos arms from the night before. It was 9am and I was expecting a phone call any minute. I got out of bed and walked downstairs, taking the main phone with me. As planned, the phone rung and I nervously picked up.


Taco’s P.O.V

“No one told me about this!” Spencer, not sounding her usual self, spoke into the phone. I rolled over to check the time, 9:45am. I had to be in at work at 11 today. I stretched and flattened my messy hair as I walked downstairs to see what was going on.

“Okay, we will speak soon” Spencer hung up the phone and put her hands in her face. I walked up behind her slim body and slid my arms around her upper waist, bringing her in.

“You okay?” I whispered into her ear.

“Yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I?” she quickly replied.

“You just seemed a bit pissed off on the phone” I said, hugging her tighter. I knew something was up.

“It was mum thats all” She turned around to face me and put on a smiled. Lair, it wasn’t her.

“Okay, well I need to go home to go to work. Please call me if you need anything.” I pled as I kissed her on the forehead and left. I was worried for Spencer, the past week, yesterday, everything.


I was on pack up with Chappo today, no call from Spencer. We brought in the signs and flags then parking the rhino under the tower.

“Night Boys” H waved, leaving with his backpack. I was having a quick chat with Jake before I had to go when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Spencer calling.

“Hey Spence, whats up?” I answered.

“Adrian, can you please come over... Like now?” She asked, sounding worried.

“Sure babe, give me 5 minutes” I replied as she hung up. I said bye to Jake and got into my car, driving to Spencer’s. I rocked up and the door was already opened.

“Spencer” I spoke, going inside. There was a suitcase at her door and a Spencer coming downstairs. What was going on?

Spencer’s P.O.V

“Spencer” He said, I rushed downstairs to see a very worried Taco looking at me.

“Adrian, I need to speak with you” I walked down the rest of the stairs, meeting him at the kitchen table.

“Spence, what is going on?” he paused between every word.

“I-Ii I got offered a training job for three weeks.” I tried to speak.

“Thats great Spencer” He smiled.

“It’s something I really wanted to do, teach dance. Myself and 2 others will be competing for the job. They may hire all 3 of us” I slowly explained.

“Spencer, thats amazing!” He seemed more relaxed now. “Sydney right?” I sighed.

“London” I looked down. “and if I get the job, I’ll be 4 weeks there, 1 here.”

“London?! No Spencer” He hesitated. 

“My flight is tonight” I assured.

“No Spencer, you can’t leave like this. You just can’t” Taco sounded more angry.

“Adrian, this is what I want. You’re happy here and I need to go follow my dreams” I explained.

“Sydney is okay, not in the fucking UK” He stood up, putting his hands in his face. “You can’t leave like this”

“I need this” A tear rolled down my face. “Nothing matters here”

“So I don’t matter to you?” He growled.

“You fucking mean the world to me Adrian, I can barely pay my bloody weekly payments for this apartment. I get paid good money for this and I need it. I do love you Taco but this is what I want” I snapped. Tears filled my eyes, I didn’t want to leave but I have to. He walked over to me and pull me into a warm hug.

“I’m sorry I snapped. I just care about you so much” He apologised. “Does Emily know?”

“I told her today” I looked up and smiled at him. I slid my arms around his neck and kissed him firmly. I was going to miss his feeling, his love, his kiss. Later on we got into his car and drove me to the international airport. The car ride was mostly silent but it felt perfect just being in his presents. We arrived at the place and Taco wheeled my suitcase as we walked hand in hand. We got though check in and we walked upstairs to the cafe before customs. Without saying anything, I was pulled into a hug which lingered. I never wanted to let go.

“I will miss you so much Adrian” I said.

“I will miss you too Spence, no running off with a pommy and leaving me” He joked, making me giggle.

“I really do love you” I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him passionately, not caring who was watching.

“I love you too” he smiled as I turned around to walk away. I looked back to see Taco still standing there.

“I will call you when I land, I love you millions!” I blew him a kiss and went around the corner.

Taco’s P.O.V

“I will call you when I land, I love you millions!” She blew me a kiss.

“Love you millions too” I muttered as I knew I wouldn’t see her for 3 weeks. Not being able to hold her for that long is insane. I already miss her. I turned around and made my way out of the busy airport back home.

Credit to Kevin and Dani Jonas on 'Married to Jonas' for the idea ;)

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