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Spencer’s P.O.V

604800 seconds, 10080 minutes, 168 hours. One week. And for your information, that was the longest week in history of longest weeks. After that seizure, Taco forced me to come live with him so he’s knows that i’m ‘safe’. It’s been one week since the surgery and the only thing it left me with was a bald spot and unanswered questions about how it went. Dr Coleman told him he would examine the tests to see what the outcome was and for the bald spot, you can barely notice when my hair is tied up. But that was what today was for, to find out what the future has to hold.

“Spencer Hills for Dr Coleman please” I said to the lady at the desk who was lost into her computer. She looked up to me then back down to her computer.

“Take a seat, he should be with you shortly” she shot me a smile, pointing to the provided seats among others at the hospital. I took the closest seat near me and sat in silence as I played with my thumbs. Looking around, you could tell every person had a different story to why they were here. But my eyes landed on a young girl with a blue bandana wrapped around her delicate head. She looked so weak, it make me sick. This little girl had a whole life ahead of her and it may or may not come to an end soon.

“Spencer Hills” A mans voice interrupted my thoughts. It was Dr Coleman in his uniform and a clipboard clasped to his hand. He gave me a welcoming smile as I got up from my seat to make my way towards his office.

He gestured for me to sit the chair across from his whilst he clicked around on his computer. “So how have you been Spencer?” he turned to face me.

“I’ve been well thank you” I replied to his question. It was true, I had been feeling fine.

“Now your tests have come back about your removal of the tissue and I do have some news you may like.” a small smile crept though both of our mouths. “We managed to get rid of the tissue so you are cancer free”

Did I say small smile? I meant a huge one that over took my face. “really?” I asked to be sure as the tears clogged up in my eyes.

“For now it is Spencer. If you keep coming to weekly check ups once a week, it will stay away.” He explained, smile still plastered on my face. 

“Yeah, Yeah thats fine. I just can’t thank you enough for saving me Doctor.” My excitement took over my speech.

“It was nothing, just my job” He winked. “But there a just a few rules that you need to follow.” He started to explain. “ You must come to weekly check ups for atleast another month, no drinking, if you get blood nose or bad vomiting you need to give me a call, another seizure and you come straight to the hospital” He warned. I nodded in approval before I stood up to leave. “and one more thing Spencer” I stopped and turned back to him. “Be careful”

“I will Dr Coleman, thank you once again and see you next week” I smiled, exiting the hospital.

Driving home I felt like a free woman, like I was untouchable. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted on my shoulders and it felt great. I flung open Taco’s door and yelled “Honey, I’m Home!” with such energy.

“Hello Beautiful” Taco came out of his kitchen and to where I was standing, planting a soft kiss on my lips. “So how was your day?” He asked. I threw my bag onto the floor and jumped onto the couch to get myself comfy.

“Twas Swell sank you, what about yours?” I chuckled in a french accent which caused Taco to laugh.

“Very Busy” He mocked my tone. Taco sat down next the couch, alined with my face.

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