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editing this chappy next x

Spencer's P.O.V

‘Spencer, please wake up.” Emily said nudging me. “Please tell me what happened last night?” she asked. I slowly sat up in bed and stretched. She looked so eager so I told her everything. About the movie, the phone call, my run and the text. 

“Well you have to go see him, just let him explain.”

“No! I don’t want to talk to him right now.”

“Spencer, you cant give up.. Please... For me?” she begged on her knees.

“Maybe! Okay.. Happy? I said laughing.

“Yay! She replied hugging me. “So I was wondering before you go down to see him, we should go to lunch on the foreshore. Some little cafe.” 

“Okay sure. 12:30ish?” I asked

“Yep! Don’t be late!” she said pushing me back into bed as she walked out of my room, downstairs.

I walked into the shower and stared to to get ready. It was going to be 34 degrees today, you could tell summer was starting. So I decided to look actually presentable for one today and straighten my hair for 5 minutes, instead of having my waves which I hated. I had started to unpack whilst finding that my yellow and white dotted summer dress (just long enough to cover the stitches), brown sandals and my necklace that my brother got for me for my 18th. I grabbed my bag, book, phone and glasses. I wondered downstairs and out the door. Emily and I had walked about 10 minutes and arrived at the cafe she had booked.

“Really Emily?” I complained. “It had to be the closest one to the lifeguard tower” Emily laughed.

“I had to, you need to talk to Taco!” 

“Whatever” I said rolling my eyes. Once we had sat down a lovely man had come up to our table to take our orders.

“Hi, i’m Andy. I’ll be taking your orders today. Now would we like to start with any drinks?”

“I’ll have the Diet Coke please.” Emily said. 

“and for the lovely lady?” he ask looking at me.

“I’ll have the mango ice tea thanks” I said back. Andy had come back 5 minutes later with our drinks and we had ordered our lunch. I had gone with wedges. But as we were waiting for our pavlova for desert, I saw Taco step outside of the tower. Yep, It was 2 o’clock on the dot. 

“Are you gonna go? Please go” Emily begged.

“I’ll wait a few minutes okay.” Emily sighed. It had only been 30 seconds when a girl had walked up to Taco. So I had got up out of my chair, took my bag and started to walk over to him and this girl. As I got closer to the tower, Taco started to recognize me. 

“Who’s this?” the girl snapped at me, grabbing Tacos hand.

“Jess this is Spen--- Yeah hi, Im Spencer. We met over the phone last night. Great to meet you.” I said sarcastically, cutting Taco off. This girl. We couldn’t of been more opposite. Like black and white. She was shorter than myself, but wearing heels the size of Big Ben to make her legs look longer. She had shortest of shorts on, the ones that your bum is hanging out, those crop tops to show off your belly and a gucci handbag and glasses. Bleach blonde long haired and there was only one way to describe this mess. She was a ‘miss fancy fingernail shimmy shimmy lip gloss barbie’ (as quoted from bring it on).

“so this is the mutt you were hanging out with.” She said staring, looking up and down at me.

“Excuse me?! Holy dare you say-- Jess I think you should go now,” Taco had cut me off.

“Whatever” she snapped and turned around to Taco and started kissing him, but Taco pulled away. Looking shocked, she trotted away in her heels. Taco grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner.

“Okay i’m sorry, i’m sorry for what happened. I didn’t know she was going to show up today. I meant to tell you but--” Taco was just rambling on.

“Taco, Its okay. Im sorry I stormed out like that. I don’t know why I did. Where just friends, right?” There was a long pause. Taco sighed then smiled.

“right.” He put his hand out to shake it, so I took the offer and shook it back.

“Well I better get back to work, keep in touch?”

“Sure” I smiled turning around walking back to Emily. I turned back to see if he was still there, matter of fact he was smiling. I gave him a wave and went back to Em. I think its better as friends. But Jessica doesn’t deserve a guy like Taco. She seemed so rude and unlike him. 

I got back to the table and told Em what happened. We were nearly ready to leave until Emily suggested to go down to the beach because she wanted to go for a swim. I was fine with that. We got up and made our way down to the shore. I sat on Emily’s towel as she went out for a dip. I pulled out my book from my bag and continued where I was reading. I felt so relaxed, with the afternoon breeze coming in and the sound of the ocean. Life was perfect at this second. Until some stranger came and sat next to me.

“Hows your leg?” He ask. It was Maxi. 

“Jesus Christ! You scared me” I yelped.

“Haha sorry.”

“and its okay thanks for asking. Stitches out in a few days.”

“Well your lucky they didn’t have to cut your leg off!” I laughed

“So anyways, I know you don’t know me that well but Taco has told me so much about you.”

“really?” I questioned, shocked.

“Yeah and on Saturday night, it’s mine and my boyfriends 2 year-a-versey and we are going out for dinner, so do you and your friend wanna go? Taco will be there!” he asked.

“boyfriend? Awh thats so sweet! And I don’t know if Taco would want me there.”

“Its a shocker aye, I didn’t know until I fell in love with Jesse 2 years ago. And he wouldn’t mind. He actually might enjoy it more if you were there.”

“Okay well yeah, that would be fun.” We talked for a few minutes about it all until Maxi had to go.

“I’ll see you then at Blue Lagoon at 7pm then?” 

“Sure will, bye!” I said as he drove off on his buggy.

A few moments later Em came out from her swim.

“Hey who was that?” she asked, while I stood up so she could grab her towel.

“Maxi, he’s invited us to his and Jesse’s 2 year-a-veresy on Saturday. You know Jesse, the one you were chatting up on the plane” I said nudging her, laughing.

“No way!” she replied shocked.

We both laughed and packed up our stuff and started heading home.

Sorry again that this chapter wasn’t good. I kinda rushed it sorry. :( xx

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