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Nothing I love more than my phone waking me up from my little slumber. It was 9:15 to be exact. I rolled my eyes and instantly turned down the brightness of my phone as I ventured to see who was rude enough to wake me at this time.

From: Levi

“Sped! How was your flight loser? & Sydney? Well Drew is taking his long ass time to come pick me up for the beach, transits is amazing today sis. Love uuuuuuu”

Levi, what a guess.

To: Levi

“You are a twat, its 9am here havn’t you heard of timezones? Anywho the flight was splended just as Sydney. Please remind Drew he owes me $75. Love you lots brother bear” 

Hitting the send button, I silently rolled out of bed and slipped my slippers on which were placed neatly under my bed. Levi had brought them for me on my 13th birthday. What a kind and caring brother he is. Maybe if he didn’t spend all of his money on speeding fines and clubs then we would be at an agreement on good quality presents.

“My favourite” I dragged on as I entered the kitchen. Bea was nice enough to pass me a fresh batch of pancakes onto a plate for me. I didn’t waste anytime digging into the them, filling my hunger needs. Emily soon met me in the living room 20 minutes later with her blonde hair tied up into a neat ponytail and face looking fresh.

“What got you up so early?” I questioned. The couch dipped as she crawled into a tiny ball in the corner.

“Luke woke me up” She sighed. That was kinda the way Emily and I met. Luke, her older brother and mine were good surfing buddies. But man, I miss Luke just as much Levi. We used to be so tightly knit until he left University.

I gave her a stifle laugh that the two boys think alike. “Join the club, Levi wouldn’t shut up about the swell at Transits.” 

Her head lifted up and joined me upright on the couch. Her eyes moving between the tv and me. Once she met my eye contact for the 100th time, her orbs lit up in excitement.

“Mine and Luke’s Spence!” She squealed running towards the garage. Moments later her head poped up from around the corner as I met her with a confused look. She rolled her eyes before speaking up again, “Go get ready of the beach and ill meet you here in 5”

With that I put my plate in the sink and then raced down the hall. I got to my suitcase, which was still lying flat open and lifted the heavy thing onto my bed. Unzipping it, I dug around until I pulled out my pale purple bikini that did nothing to help the flatness of my chest. Letting out a sigh, I finished putting a tank top and shorts over the top before meeting Emily out the front.

“Took yourself long enough” She laughed, passing me a board. She must of been wearing bathers under her clothing before because there was no way my Emily was dressed that fast. I poked my tongue at her as she placed her board above, winking. Attempting to copy her actions, I ended up hitting myself with the back of the board in the head causing one of those horrible, snorty laughs from Emily.

Guess i’m dragging it there.


Did I forget to mention how much I missed the water. Like literally, I had to contain myself from running straight in as we arrived at the not-so-busy Bondi Beach.

“Just do it Spence!” Emily yelled as we reached the ramp. I turned to her and shot her a smile before I was running down the sand, throwing my shorts and thongs off in every direction. Hitting the water had let a huge sigh of relief run though me. I paddled out, past the impact zone and just laid on my board, embracing how calming the whole situation was.

“Boo!” Em came up behind me, causing me to lift my body up and sit on the board. 

“I’ve missed this so much” I explained. The waves were only 2-4ft today so it was filled with ametures, despite the beach being not packed. Mind you, I wasn’t the best surfer because after watching ‘soul surfer’ I was convinced my arm was going to be eaten away  by a shark and stopped for a few years, only until Levi forced me back into the water. Mind you, his mates were all hot and it helped with the impression side of things.

After a good hour of being out in the surf with Em, I had lined up for my next wave. I started paddled as the wave came up behind me. A rude person deiced to be all like ‘oh lets steel this girls wave’ and literally cut me off, causing both us us to be dumped by the sea. I came up for a breather, also to rip the persons head off, but a horrible pain had shot though my body.

“Emily!” I yelled getting her attention. “I think my fin is in my upper thigh!” Looking shocked, Emily paddled over to me.

“Hey!” She yelled to the girl who clearly cut me off. Even though it was the least of my worries, Emily flipped her the bird and turned her attention back to myself. 

“Get on the board” She jumped into the water and helped me up. She swam me back into the shore, helping me to dry sand. “Shit Spencer, its deep.” She sighed. “Im getting some help” Running off to the closest lifeguards on duty to tell them.

I sighed in frustration. It was literally a typical move of mine. Maybe this is why I was single? Maybe this is why my nick name in high school was Clumsy? I muttered some colourful lanuage under my breath before looking up to find Emily. She was talking to the 2 men before she turned and pointed to me. I looked down at my leg. It was a good 15cm long and pretty deep.

I took all my efforts to not look down at my leg but the temptation was too much.  I cringed at the bloody streaming out at a slow and painful rate. Whilst examining my cut, three dark shadows loomed over me. I looked up and was surprised to see those captivating chocolate swirl eyes.

“Hey! You’re the plane boy who went to the Logies” I clicked my fingers and pointed to him in memory. Suddenly realising what I just blurted out, I shut my mouth close and looked down. He let out a light chuckle, bending down to my level.

“And you’re the plane girl who’s friends with the girl who’s dog died.” I blushed at such a beautiful person remembering me. His smiled widened before putting his hand out to meet mine. “I’m Adrain, but I get the name Taco”

“Like the food” The other unnamed, blonde haired male spoke. 

“Like the food” Taco replied. “So what happened...” He paused for a moment, taking his hint.

“Spencer” I muttered though the pain which made me want to rip my left leg off. A smile formed on his lips.

“So what happened, Spencer?” He asked, the name rolling off his tongue. After 5 minutes of explaining how much rude the girl was for cutting me off, I was lifted onto the buggy looking thing and was driven up to the promenade where I was met by my first class ride out of Bondi Beach.

The ambulance.

As Emily was talking with the blonde lifeguard to the paramedic, Taco, the lovely person he was, stayed by my side.

“I told you I’d see you around” His voice at first startling me but calming me in the second. 

“These circumstances are great” I sent the brown eyed boy a thumbs up, pure sarcasm in my tone. “But the you for saving me. My Hero” I shortly brought  my hands to my heart and fluttered my eyelids in the most unflirtatious way possible.

“Well Superman needs to get going back to saving others lives. I’ll see you later Spencer” He smiled, shooting me a sly wink.

“Batman would totally kick Superman’s ass” I yelled as he walked away.

“No way” He shook his head smiling.

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