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A/N: Sexual content opps.

Spencer’s P.O.V

His hands unlaced out of mine as his touch left my lips.

“I’m sorry beautiful, I have work” I flush of disappointment rushed though my face. I was hoping to spend today with him and catch up on the past 3 years. I felt bad that I was rushing back into something that didn’t work before hand, but I surprisingly had trust in him.

“Oh” I pouted out my bottom lip, giving him those eyes that use to work on him before. “Well can I visit? I’d love to catch up with the guys” I felt like asking, I didn’t want to just rock up to the tower like I used to do alot. 

Taco's lips formed a smile as he nodded, “Of course you can babe, I’ll drop you home to get ready then meet you down there?” he confirmed as I nodded. I could seriously get used to him calling me those kind names again. Beautiful, babe, gorgeous. I plopped myself of the bench as Adrian left the room for his room. I deiced on finishing those pancakes and clean up to kill the time.

“You don’t need to do that” His arms slid around my waist whilst I was washing up. His breath tingled my skin as soft kisses were planted on my neck. I turned around, cupping his cheek and bringing our foreheads together. Centimeters away with our lips about to touch, we embraced the moment. Teasingly, I pulled my head away and winked. 

“You ready to go then?” I asked as he shook his head with a smirk planted on his face.

“Such a teaser you are Spence” He laughed, taking my hand and leading me to his newer car he had which my suitcase was already in the boot. The car ride consisted of talk about the little things that were very important, like our favourite colours and food.

I slipped out of the car, grabbing my suitcase when we had arrived at my apartment. I pulled over to Taco’s window.

“See you at 12 then?” He asked as I smiled, planting a kiss on his lips.

“Of course” I pulled myself out of the window and made my way into the flat. Shit, it was already ten to eleven. I wasn’t bothered unpacking just yet, but I went upstairs for a quick shower to wake me up a little more. I unlocked and unzipped my suitcase up in my room and pulled out the first bikini I found. It was a blue frill one which I brought awhile back. It has been horrible weather in Sydney lately, but it cleared up a little for today. I took out my green floral dress and a cream coloured floppy hat which sat on my head. I don’t think I would be swimming today but hey, its the beach, need to fit in. I put on my thongs and grabbed my phone as I went downstairs to the garage to my beloved baby as I drove down to the beloved Bondi Beach. The swell was nice today, great day to surf. I don’t like to talk myself up but, I’m improving. Drew forced my out to the beach to surf like every weekend. Of course its 12:30 by the time I get a parking, late as usual. I walked down the prom as I reached the tower, which I dearly missed. Even though it had only been a few days. I flung open the door as a high pitched scream was let out.

“SPED!” Maxi cried, running out of his chair and flinging himself at me as the boys erupted in laughs behind him.

“Oh Trent! I missed you. Its been a whole 3 days” I mocked in his tone. Truth was, I still miss him even though he is right in front of me. 

Clearly not understanding he tightly hugged my body as my arms were squished to my sides. “Missed you too sped” he chuckled. I tried to move out of his embrace but it wasn’t working anytime soon.

“Oi Maxi, share her around!” Jake said as Mouse agreed. He let out a huge groan as I was free from him.

“If you must” he rolled his eyes as I caught up with the rest of the boys. I went over and sat beside Taco who gave me a wink and a smile which made your knees go weak and heart melt.

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