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Taco's P.O.V:

Jesus christ I fucked this up. Everything. I called Annie and was meeting her at the prom at 8pm tonight, I needed to tell her, it was keeping me up on sleepless nights and made me feel sick. The cool Bondi breeze and sounds of people walking by kept me in reality. I was still on a bench, overlooking the dark beach. As if she was on cue, a strawberry blonde girl joined me on the bench, kissing my cheek. "Hi Adrian" She smiled.

"Anna, I called you because something has been lingering in the back of my mind and I need to tell you." I started and she nodded, moving her hair out of the way from the wind. "Anything Babe" She place a soft kiss on my lips, guilt filled me.

"I don't know how you are going to take this, you may forgive me or hate me for the rest of my life." I tried to keep calm as possible but it wasn't working. My palms were getting sweaty and it was a struggle to breathe. A confused expression overcame her face which made my situation worse. "Well, on the night of Emily and Bacon's wedding, something happened." I started.

"Did you kiss someone?" She asked, sound of defeat in her tone. I looked down because I couldn't even look at her in her emerald eyes.

"Worse" I muttered, loud enough so she could hear. She knew what I meant and I felt horrible about it.

"It was with Spencer wasn't it" She snapped at me, tears down both of our faces. I nodded. "Annie, I was drunk and I'm so sorry abou-- How do you even know her?" She butt in. I took in a deep breath and started to explain.
"We met three years ago and dated just under a year, just to see her again, engaged made me want her back. We were both drunk and regret it. Anna, please" I couldn't read her expression. It was full of anger, sadness, hate, distort and it was all my fault. After a long silence, I spoke up again. "Anna are you okay?"She looked me straight in the eyes as I soon regret what I said. She chuckled before replying.
"Okay? Okay Adrian? My boyfriend just cheated on me with a girl that I thought was so innocent and stunning. I saw your expression when she walked down the isle, jaw wide open. Bloody hell" She chuckled again, "You are both made for each other" She stood up.
"Both cheaters" She stormed off, leaving me alone as I expected. I couldn't help but feel so much sympathy towards her. I stood up and walked into town, into a local bar. I sat myself on a stool and ordered some vodka, well alot of it. I didn't want to remember tonight, I just want everything to disappear.


Okay I am so so so so sorry for leaving this the past week, I've had no motivation to write tbh. School holidays are here and I'll be doing nothing these next 8 weeks.

Sorry that this was short but Im going into the freaking hot ass city tonight and I was too lazy/ hot to write anymore.

Thank you SO much for 2,500 reads! Im like crying! Xx

Andddddd inowloveharrystyles :*

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