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Spencer’s P.O.V

Its been a few days now and I am living with 2 other girls named Krissy and Ella. They are both lovely girls and great to hang out with. The coolest thing has to be that our apartment is on top of the studio. Krissy profession is Hip hop and Ella’s is contemporary.

“And yours?” Krissy asked with her Californian accent.

“I prefer ballet and pointe but also jazz” I smiled having some lunch.

“How long did it take for pointe?” Ella asked.

“A few years, I was dedicated though.” I told them. Ella was from Oxfordshire, so we weren’t too far from her home town. We finished up lunch at 11 and had to be downstairs at the studio at 12.

“Hey Spencer” Ella yelled from our room. 

“Yeah” I yelled back as I was cleaning the dishes.

“I didn’t know you liked Bondi Rescue” She walked out with season 8 in her hand. Bloody Taco snuck it in.

“Yeah, I love it” I finished doing the dishes and join her on the couch.

“Whats Bondi Rescue?” Krissy asked as Ella let out the biggest gasp which made me laugh.

“Krissy! These boys save lives, extremely sexy, funny, amazing and did I mention sexy?” She said with a shocked look.

“Whose your favourite?” I asked, putting the disk in.

“Maxi all the way” She smirked, “And you?”

“Taco” I smiled at the ground.

“Him and his girlfriend are the cutest, all over instagram” Ella kept talking as I was waiting for her to realise.

“Wait” There ya go, she knows. “No WAY!” A huge grin overcame both of our faces.

“Whats going on?” Krissy looked at us.

“Spence is dating Taco! OMG I knew it.” She said getting out her phone, then showing her my instagram. “You are one lucky girl” she sighed.

“Also best friends with Maxi, we can give him a ring later” I winked.

“No freaking way” She came up and hugged me. We deiced to introduce Bondi to Krissy and she was hooked by episode 2 before we had to leave for practice. I chucked on my gym shorts and sports bra with my jazz shoes and went downstairs to the studio. We had one week to come up with a dance then two weeks to teach it to a class. Then evaluation at the end to see who got the job. We were greeted by our boss and were set into our rooms like the one they had in Sydney with two chairs at the back. Krissy was a hip hop routine to a song I didn’t know, Ella was doing a comptem routine to Never let me go, by Florence and the machine and I was doing a slower jazz to Halo by Beyonce. We warmed up, Krissy went first and we went over our routines in the corner and watching her. We took turns going though our dance and adding parts on. I was half way though my routine, went my message tone went off. 

“Can you tell me what it says Ella?” I asked as she was near the dock.

“It says, ‘Spencer please call me asap’ from Jesse” She looked up with a confused look.

“Jesse?” I muttered. I grabbed my phone and rung him, the girls were dancing but I knew they were listening to me. He picked up within 2 rings.

“Spencer?” He asked.

“Whats wrong Jess?” he sounded worried.

“Its Taco” 

“What happened?”

“Well he was out on the Jet ski doing patrol when he was called to an unknown object just off the rocks. He was the only one on the jet ski so he was first out and it was a retrieval.”


“He was in the water, on his own for 10 minutes then an extra 2 hours holding the body before the sea patrol came in. He’e really shaken up, just please go talk to him soon.” I was speechless.

“We-well Im at dance now but give me an hour” I replied.

“Thanks Spence, just worried for him”

“Cheers Jesse, hope the rest of the lads are okay” I hung up. Poor Taco.

“What happened?” Krissy asked.

“Taco had to do a retrieval today,”

“Shit, hope he’s okay” Ella replied. I went back to my routine, trying to get my mind off things but I just couldn’t. As we were dismissed at 2pm, I went straight up to my room and opened up Skype on my MacBook. It was 10pm there so that would be okay.  

“Adrian” I spoke as he answer.

“Spence, I am so happy to see you” He looked upset.

“Jess told me what happened, jesus that was brave of you.” I tried to make him feel better but it didn’t seem to work.

“He wouldn’t of been any older than me” he whispered. 

“Hey Tac, only 16 more days” I smiled.

“16 days is too longggg” Taco dragged on.

“I know, I miss you Millions”

“I miss you Billions” He made me giggle. We continue talking for a few hours before I had to go to night training. I blew Taco a kiss, shut the laptop and let out a sigh. 16 days Spence, 16 days. I don’t know how I’ll be able to do 30. I got out of bed and went back out to the kitchen to see the end of episode 8.

“Taco’s episode” I smiled jumping onto the couch.

“God bless him” Krissy smiled as she was watching. I turned my phone on and opened instagram. Checking my newsfeed, I was tagged in Taco’s photo.

’16 days till I see this girl again @spencerhill’ It was one of me on skype, doing the westside pose. It made me smile as I scrolled though the comments.

“Cuties” “Where did she go?” “Shipping it” “You could do so much better than her” Eh dont really care. Then Maxi’s comment. “Spencer, wheres my skype call at hey? :’(“ I replied with ‘Miss you Taco! And @lifeguardmaxi im sorry hun! Call soon ;) xx’ A few minutes I got a facetime call from Maxi, I had to answer.

“Spencer!” He said into the camera. 

“Maxi! I have someone who I want you to meet” I smiled pointing the camera to Ella. 

“Holy shit!” she yelled taking the phone out of my had and saying how much she loved Maxi to him then passing me back the phone.

“Is that bondi I see?” Jesse spoke.

“Hey Jess! And maybe” I winked. “Krissys new to it”

“Good! Teach them the Bondi ways now” Maxi joked.

“Well I can’t talk for long, about to go to night training. Isn’t it like almost 2 in the morning over there?” I asked

“Sure is, and have fun, BYE!” They both pulled a face and hung up.

“Why do all of the cute ones have to be gay?” Ella whined.

“I feel ya sister” I stood up and I had to drag the two girls away from the TV, just to make it downstairs by 6.


Should be studying, whoops x

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