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Spencer’s P.O.V

Last night was amazing. I couldn’t of wanted anyone better to be with. I had slept in to 11am with no Taco to be seen. Everything was packed into our suit cases and a note was on the end of the bed. I crawled out of the covers and to the end and picked up the note.

‘You looked too peaceful to wake up, just having breakfast be back up soon x -Taco’

I smiled whilst reading the note. I got up out of bed and had a quick shower, chucking on my  daisy pattern dress with my my blue jacket to keep me warm. I tied my hair up into a ponytail because it was still straight from yesterday. I put my clothes back into my suit case and zipped it up.

“Boo!” Taco scared me, putting his arms around me. I hadn’t heard him come in.

“Bloody hell Taco, you scared me.” I laughed turning to face him.

“Sorry.” he whispered in my ear. “Thank you for last night though, it was perfect.” I stood on my toes and hugged him.

“No, thank you.” I pulled back from the hug and gave him a kiss. 

“Well I’m sorry to say Spence, but we need to go to check out in 15 minutes.” I finished packing my carry on bag and did my make up. We grabbed our suitcases and went downstairs to the lobby. Taco checked us out and hailed us a taxi to take us to the airport for our 3:45pm flight.

*i was gonna write the flight and 1) It would be the same as a few chapters ago and 2) i’m lazy*

Taco’s P.O.V

We had arrived back in Sydney after a short plane flight home. Our plane was delayed 3 hours due to a loose wheel which sucked but we made it anyway. Spencer kept falling in and out of sleep because she was tired the drive home. We drove past Bondi Beach and straight to her house. As we arrived, I got her suitcase and walked her to the door. 

“Whens Bacon and Emily getting home?” I asked her.

“urm.” she yawned “not until tomorrow morning.” Thats meant she would be home alone because Bea was out again and I wouldn’t want that.

“Do you want me to stay the night then?” I looked at her and she was so out of it.

“Sorry what? Oh right um if you want too. I like company.” She smiled unlocking the door and dragging herself up stairs and I pulled in her suit case and locked the door. I walked up her carpet stairs and Spencer was already flat out asleep with her shoes kicked on the floor and still in her dress. I got a rug from the drawer and put it over her and went downstairs to see if anything interesting was on. Nothing, thats Aussie tv for you, I thought to myself. I went into the recording section and clicked on all of the shows Spencer had recorded and had waiting to record. Glee, Home and Away, Keeping up with Kardashians, more Glee and one show that caught my eye; Bondi Rescue. I laughed at myself and she had seasons 4-8 already on there! I hated watching myself on TV so I put on season 4 to see all of the boys at their youngest which was funny. I’d say I had watched about 4 episodes and just wandered back upstairs to see my beautiful Spencer sleeping so peacefully, like nothing could break her from this sleep.

Spencer’s P.O.V

I woke up at 3 o’clock with the shock of the most unpleasant or far-from-peaceful-dream ever I must say.

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING MUCH LIKE I HAVE THE BIGGEST WRITERS BLOCK. I have been really tired lately and I just couldn’t be bothered writing yesterday and today I got my cast taken off and im able to semi walk on it with crutches! Yay and I met Hayden Ballantyne (as mentioned in my pervious chapter) today and got a photo and everything.. I promise I will make it up to you when I have ideas and make it sound good! Xx

Feel free to inbox me if you do have any ideas (credit would be given) x

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