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Spencer’s P.O.V

The only sound was the echo of tears which filled the room earlier. I knelt down beside his almost lifeless body and started to sing our favourite song.
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold, And she's buying a stairway to heaven. When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed. With a word she can get what she came for. Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.”

I didn’t want to talk about him leaving us, but it was our song. Dads, Levi’s and mine.

“Levi, please wake up.” He looked so innocent. “Please, do it for me. Do it for mum or Kristen. We need you in our lives, you not being here isn’t an option. Please Levi, please” This wasn’t a dream, it was reality. But I tried opening my eyes but it was real.

18 hours earlier. 

Taco deiced to leave when I had settled down a bit to go pack. I went online an found 2 tickets for 3am flight, which was in 5 hours. I brought the tickets and lunged my suitcase down the stairs to see Emily looking more happy than usual.

“Wheres Bacon?” I asked rolling the suitcase near the door.

“He has work tomorrow” She chuckled. She was keeping something from me because she hadn’t moved and that smile was till on her face. I really couldn’t pay any attention, I just wanted to go to bed for a couple of hours.

“Spencer” She looked at me making me stop. “You’re going to be a maid of honor!” Emily showed her ring to me. Now this made me stop, she was doing a Khloe Kardashian all over again. 

“Wow” I was lost for words. I didn’t need this in my life at this very moment. “You’ve known Bacon for just under 2 months Emily and you want to spend your life with him?”

“Yes I do” 

“Whatever then.” I rolled my eyes and went back to getting everything ready.

“What put you in a shitty mood?” She snarked at me. I just ignored her, being engaged at 19 is her own decision. “Taco isn’t it?” There was a silence. “I knew it wouldn’t work out”

“EMILY!” I yelled “Fucking Levi was in an accident and may never wake up again, congratulations on your engagement but I have more important things to worry about.” I stormed back upstairs slamming my door shut. 

“Spencer?” She softly knocked on my door a minute later.

“Just-leave-me-alone” I paused between every word.

“Just tell me whats going on” He tone had become more sympathetic.

“Taco and I are going to Perth for a few days, just to see him. We leave here at 1” I muttered loud enough so she could hear though the closed door.

“Okay Spence, Im sorry” I didn’t reply, I assumed she walked away. I grabbed my phone and texted Taco to come around 1, I set my alarm for 12 and cried myself to sleep for the next hour before that annoying buzzer went off and I was awake again. I checked the temperature for perth, 19 and 79% showers. 

“Great” I muttered to myself as I got into the warm shower. I got out and I was just putting on my jeans when I got a knock at the door. I raced downstairs, struggling to get my fat christmas jumper over my crop top, to get the door. 

“Morning Beautiful” He kissed me on the cheek. 

“Arn’t you early?” I asked confused, he got his phone out and showed me that it was 1am. “I was in that shower for a long time then.” I laughed running upstairs to finish tying my hair in a ponytail and to put my comfy vans on. I grabbed my backpack with all of my gear in it and made my way downstairs.

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