1: Story Of My Life

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Kelly's POV:


It is a cold winter's morning when I woke up in my bed by the sound of my alarm.

"The Story of my Life I take her home, I drive all night until she's warm and time is frozen" My alarm rang before I turned it off. I looked outside the window of my room and a small smile appeared onto my lips. It's snowing. I've always loved the snow and how it looked, but I've never really liked how it felt.

I soon hopped out of my bed so I can wake up my roommate, and best friend, Nicole.

You see, Nicole and I have been best friends probably the day we met eachother in the 8th grade, we stuck to eachother's side all through highschool and now, we're living in our own aparentment in New York City!

Since I just turned 20 a few months ago, and Nicole still being 18, I have to be responsible for the both of us, which means I have to do everything in the morning, which includes trying to wake Nicole up.

"Nicole?" I asked as I opened the door of her room and listened for her usual groan of a response, "It's time to get up" I added before I was walking to our kitchen to heat up some water so we can have our usual cups of tea before we have to get ready for work.

Each morning we play the same routine, my alarm wakes me up at 6:30, I wake Nicole up, walk back into Nicole's room to pull her out of bed, she then takes a shower while I heat some water for us. It's gets pretty boring if you think of it. Wake up to do the same thing in the same exact order.

Walking back into Nicole's to find her still asleep, as usual, I run back to my room to grab my iPod and put it on the speakers in Nicole's room and blasted some Skrillex, causing her to jolt up onto her bed.

I turned the music off and laughed. "C'mon Nikki! Get your ass out of bed" I said before walking back into the kitchen.

Moments later I heard the whistling noise I hear every morning. I walk over to the kettle to turn it off and poured me and Nicole our teas. A few minutes soon passed and Nicole is walking out of the bathroom with a towel around her head.

"Morning" She said, grabbing her cup of tea and sitting on our island. "How was your sleep?"

"The usual" I answered. "Good, but not long enough" I added with a small yawn leaving my lips. 

We talk and drink ours teas for a bit before we both go off into our separate rooms to get ourselfs ready for work.

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