27: Rock Me

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Sydney's POV

"I can't believe we let them talk us into it!" I said as we laced up our skates.

"I know, this is fucking cold!" Nicole said giving a death grip on her coffee, "And why is this place empty?" 

"Because we rented it out for the night," Niall came up to us, the guys already had their skates on and they were on the ice.

Nicole, Tanna, Kelly, and I, grabbed each others hands and walked very slowly out onto the ice. We broke out of our group, and Nicole and I grabbed each other, while Kelly and Tanna fell. 

"Why are we doing this?!" Tanna yelled, as Niall swooped up and helped her up.

"Right?! These guys are skating around like pixies and we are walruses!" Nicole said to me as she tripped and grabbed onto the walls.

"It isn't fair when Louis has his butt as padding!" Kelly yelled.

"Well just look at Nikki's!" Tanna yelled, "Her is almost better than Louis'!"

"Hey!" Louis yelled.

"Here, " Liam grabbed my hand, "I will teach you." 

Harry grabbed Nicole, Niall grabbed Tanna, Zayn grabbed Kelly, and Louis did some random moves around all of us. After about ten minutes of skating around with death grips on the guys, we actually were kinda getting the hang of it. By the end of the night, we all were skating either on our own or holding hands with someone. 

At one point I looked over at Tanna and saw her taking pictures, then before I could ask her what was up, Liam came by took my hands and started swinging me around. I was laughing and then I hit Nicole really hard, and we were both on the ground laughing, I rolled over and hugged her, "Happy birthday!" 

She laughed and pushed me off. 

Tanna's POV

We went back to the apartments and Nicole opened her presents, she got a new computer, some iTunes gift cards, and a bunch of tiny little knick-knacks like bows and earrings. She thanked us all and went to get more cake when we saw Louis push Harry up and then he went to the kitchen after her. 

"Oh shit, she is going to get some, birthday sex, birthday sex." Sydney sang. Kelly and I burst out laughing.

The guys just shook their heads and tried to hold in a laugh, "In the kitchen?"  Zayn said.

"Hey, the frick-frack happens where the frick-frack wants." Kelly said, and we laughed again.

Nicole came out of the kitchen a couple seconds later, "You guys do know that we can hear you in here, right?"

"Oh yea? Even over all that hot sex?" I asked.

"Especially over all the hot sex!" Harry said standing next to Nicole. She turned and looked up at him, and smiled. 

"Wait a second, I have seen that smile before!" Sydney said.

"Me too!" Kelly said, and us girls started getting up from where we were at our computers on the floor.

"Nicole has a boyfriend!" I screamed and we all ran to her and tackle-hugged her, she fell on the floor and then started laughing at us.

"Yes she does, now get off, someones elbow is in my appendix!" We heard screaming coming from the living room, the guys were congratulating Harry.

"Get off, I want to go to bed!" She said as she wished the guys goodnight and took Harry by the hand and into her room. 

Harry's POV

Nicole had plugged her phone in, then went to take a shower. I was looking through her yearbook that was laying on her nightstand when she came back in. She had a sports bar and fluffy shorts on her hair was running down her back, water was dripping on her back. She laid down next to me and looked at the book with me. 

"I hated that picture," she said, "my favorite school picture was when I was in eighth grade."


"Yea!" she started brushing her hair.

"So why are you in a sports bra? Not that I am against it by any means." I said, stuttering over my words a few times.

She laughed, "One time at Sydney's birthday party when we were in ninth grade, Kelly and I were on her air mattress on our phones, and I was getting warm, because there was like seven people in one room, and I took off my shirt and had my sports bra on, then I fell asleep like that and it was really comfortable." 

She rolled over and pulled the covers over her.

"So do I get to stay tonight?" 

"Why wouldn't you?" 

"Because we just started dating." I laid down next to her.

"Don't worry, I only start biting after the third date." She joked.

"Then I can't wait for the third date." 

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